Just got in from a great last evening out in Madrid with Conor and Nicole - amazingly have managed to resist the lure of the rooftop bar tonight and so am writing this at the very early hour of half 11, when most Madrilenos are still just going out to eat!! So we met at 8pm and decided to retrace our steps back to the area we went to on Friday night. After a false start (caused by a complete collective failure to read the map correctly!), we headed off in the right direction and had a very pleasant stroll through town, enjoying such sights as the Museum de Jamon (brilliantly marketed Ham shop) plus the magnificent Plaza Major,very reminiscent of St Mark's Square in Venice.
After managing to find the right road (and confirming the waitress from Friday night wasnt fibbing as Casa Lucio was indeed closed!), we were all being a bit crap at deciding where to go for dinner so, in the end, the matter was settled in the time-old fashion of tossing a coin! Ended up in this place just across the road from Taberna de los Lucio, of fried eggs and chips fame from before. There we encountered a quite arsey waitress who was nonchalantly non-helpful (any requests were mildly considered and then simply declined with a "no"). We also encountered yet more of the strange fashion of the moment of women in men's shirts - this time, an utter classic in which the woman's arse appearing to be trying to eat said shirt. It was really quite a sight to behold. Had a great dinner with lots of entertaining banter with quote of the night coming from me in describing the big fat grapes that had come with the cheese as "grapey globs of goodness". Still dont quite understand why Nicole and Conor found it so funny! After dinner, wandered back via the Plaza Major again, stopping to buy a tub of ice-cream on the way. So, now have to start my packing ready to leave the hotel bright and early tomorrow - fingers crossed for a safe and uneventful flight!!
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