Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Day 20: Eee-by-gum, that Shepherds Pie is right champion...
Oh my word.  What a week its been.  Got back from NYC yesterday and it was a very intense couple of days.  In the end, the pitch went very well, so fingers crossed we bring this one over the finish line.  We should hear early next week.

But, no rest for the wicked, as straight back into back to back meetings all day today.  Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to rummage around in the freezer last night for this evening's supper and came up with a very yummy treat - the Brit classic, Shepherd's Pie!  I'd made these ages ago when I had Ashley and Kelly over for supper.  As per my standard operating protocol, I ended up making enough to feed a small battalion of hungry peasants, so i stuck the overflow in the freezer (i think there are another couple dishes lurking in there somewhere) and out it popped tonight.  Served up with a generous helping of green peas, it was the perfect comfort food to soothe my weary, travel-ravaged soul.

Day 20: Mincey mashy madness 
Ingredients: lost in the mists of time
DoD: 3 (multiple steps required for dish construction - including potentially hazardous thawing out and grilling of toppage for desired crispiness)
II: 1 (not much imagination needed for defrosting)
PfBF: 1 (top banana - you cant really go wrong with mince and mash!)
Overall assessment: bloody marvellous.  I rock.

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