The Aftermath
So, its the end of Week 2 of the Get Lean and Loopyliscious Challenge and I failed to make it into the safe zone by just 1%. I guess you can't step onto the Wine Wagon and instead clamber onto the Vodka Truck with complete abandon. I've also learnt that "individually wrapped" Ghiradhelli chocolate sea salty squares are probably best consumed... um...individually. The calorie effort expended in unwrapping each square of chocolate probably isn't quite enough to offset the caloric impact of troughing down 5 in a go.
So, here are my adjustments as we head into Week 3 of the Get Lean and Loopyliscious Challenge. Other than the (remaining) 4 occasions where Prince Passes will be played, I am now completely going on the wagon. Alcohol and weight loss, for me, just don't party well together. I am, however, already planning which champagne I will be celebrating the successful completion of the GLLC with at the end of Week 10. I also do need to make a better effort of getting more active and getting my arse back into the gym - I've been pretty active with the hiking, zipping etc but I need to take my Weekly Exercise Challenge more seriously. This week, we head into Bounce Week, so no excuses there and today i've already done 25 mins on my little trampoline thing. With the Snooze Button Embargo fully active and - as yet - intact, there should be plenty of time to get this done and make it more of a priority.
With all of these changes and a refocusing of effort (propelled by Loopy having now reached her goal of 40lbs lost!!), I am confident the outcome of Week 3 will be a much happier state of affairs than this weeks. However, as you know, there are consequences to this week's underperformance. And they were consequences of your making. And they weren't pretty.
Without further ado, here's how it all went down, just moments ago....
Forfeits Fill(ish) The Potato of Destiny and Despair |
Mr Referee Head watches nervously as Mrs PH goes in to make the draw |
Success. A forfeit is secured from the P of Double D and is handed to the referee... |
Mr Referee Head takes the post-it.... |
And carefully reads the forfeit inscribed thereupon.... |
Before announcing it to the hushed and expectant crowd.... |
The Potato of Despair and Destiny has spoken. The forfeit is... "Do a Zumba Class - in public" |
![]() |
The crowd goes wild.... |
Well done, me. Well done.
Those of you who know me well will realize just how shitey of a forfeit that actually is - I am (almost) totally incapable of any form of (non-intoxicated) dancing. It once took me 3 weeks to learn how to do a grapevine (a grapevine, dammit!!) in an aerobics class. And I also remember how one poor soul once tried to teach me the merengue (no, Loopy, not a meringue - those are easy) - literally, just stepping forwards and backwards, forwards and backwards - and i couldnt even manage that!! Basic bipedal locomotion!! Garrgghh. Anyway, I just checked my gym's class schedule and - joy of joys - there is a Zumba class on this Sunday. So, if any of you are passing the Bay Club late Sunday morning and want to watch some Latin rhythms be completely murdered, it will be Dr Holloway in the Main Studio with The Two Left Feet.
y.our potato heads are a talented and endearing bunch but i wouldn,t trust them alone in my apartment not with those opposeable thumbs. lock up your liqour change your password and hide your spare keys.!your crowd could have taken an eye out with their wildness make sure you have more crowd control next time. would so love to come watch your performance yoou could get someone to take some pics then post. bless you for doing this challenge its a bright spot to the week. love you lotsxxxxxxxxxxx
the funniest thing i have read and your potato montage is hystrical!! love that dillion and izzie fully supportive and interested to see what perils mummy is putting herself through!! kinda like the gladiators in ancient rome, entertaining the masses. you maam are a blog gladiator!!! and you entertain so wonderfully!!! love you soopy xxxxx
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