Selecting Week 4's Forfeit in the Get Lean and Loopyliscious Challenge
As you all are aware by now, despite some Herculean caloric burning efforts by yours truly last week, I once again failed to hit my (newly-revealed and shouldn't be ALL that hard to achieve) weight loss goal of 1.5lb a week by losing a miserly 0.3lb! Ridiculousity.
So, even before any forfeits are drawn this week, I decided to follow my trainer Natalie's advice and give the Paleo diet a go for two weeks. I'll go into the Paleo diet in much more detail in subsequent blogs (I'm sure i will be bitching about it endlessly for the next 14 days) but it essentially means you eat like a caveman (or, I guess, cavelady) and eliminate dairy and grains from your diet. OK, I thought. I can do that. And, if it means getting to my goal next week so I can just once not be in the forfeit zone, it would all be worth it. Now, I'm not sure whether this shows up in the fossil record or not, but I think i'm pretty sure that all cavemen in Britain still took milk in their tea (they're cavemen, for gods sake, not animals!), so that will be my only exception to the no dairy rule. With no cereal and no milk to put in smoothies, breakfast should be interesting.
Anyhoo, off I went shopping to stock up on Paleo-compliant supplies - I can tell you this, from just one observation so far - the Paleo diet is a hellava lot more expensive than the Kitchen Store Cupboard Challenge Diet. $160!!! My fridge is now stocked with more cow than a Manhattan bar on singles night. Anyway, I will keep you posted as to my dietary progress - I had a very lovely chopped salad with chicken tonight. I think I will be having quite a few of those in the next couple of weeks.
But, down to business. For those of you tuning in for the 1st International Duck Day update, I'm afraid it suffered a set-quack today. I was waiting for some essential duck-themed items to be delivered today but, alas, they are still en route, apparently somewhere in Ohio. Duck Day just wouldn't be the same without them, so instead the 1st International Duck Day will now be held this Sunday. Unfortunately, however, this left me in a bit of a pickle this evening, as the Duck Boat Captain was going to have picked a forfeit out of the Potato of Destiny and Despair for me. Without said aquatic assistant to do the deed, it was time for plan B.
Activate Plan Blender.
Yes, it was time to see just how far the unholy conspiracy of small domestic appliances had infiltrated the household, and to see if the evil triumvirate of microwave, upstairs scales AND downstairs scales had spread further. So, tonight, the Magimix blender was called into service (the cats were not available - what did you think - that they were working cats or something???) and asked to join the newly politically active Potato Heads in an exciting photo shoot to select the next forfeit. Obviously this was a photo shoot fraught with potential dangers and hazards to life and plastic limbs, so all due precautions were taken. No vegetables were harmed in the making of this photo montage.
The post-it notes, not quite so much....
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Setting up the studio for the photo-shoot |
Mr PH reassures a nervous Mrs PH that there is nothing to be afraid of and that its quite safe to approach The Blender |
Safety specs in hand, Mr Potato Head explains the inner workings of the Magimix to an impressed Mrs PH |
The Talent is Brought in - Mr and Mrs PH greet the P of Double D and introduce him to T.Blender at the pre photo-shoot mixer |
P of Double D showing his true political colors as Mr and Mrs PH get frisky |
After all the preliminaries are over, its time to unload the P of Double D into T.Blender |
Wearing safety specs for protection, Mr and Mrs PH watch nervously from the sidelines as the forfeits tumble forth into T.Blender |
Finally, the P of Double D is empty, Mr PH puts his safety arms on and is ready for action |
He reaches for the Pulse switch..... |
And POW!!! Forfeits are catapulted into the air the instant he presses the PULSE button |
About 10 forfeits lie scattered around T.Blender and Mr PH retrieves the one that traveled the furthest |
He hands it to Mrs PH where it is revealed to be..... |
In summary, another exciting week's forfeit selection process completed without a hitch. Other than (obviously) the prospect of broken bones, twisted ankles and looking completely like a knob on wheels, I actually don't mind the roller-disco forfeit too much. I might potentially possibly maybe even have a teeny tiny smidge of fun. I think the biggest challenge is going to be finding one to go to but I'm sure I'll come up with something. Even if it means setting up my own roller disco somewhere in town.....
So, onwards and duckwards into Week 5. Highlights for the coming week to look forward to are a grown-up Penguins and Pyjamas adult sleepover at the California Academy of Science on Friday night, a terrarium workshop, a Pole Dancing Exhibition (no - not me), the 1st International Duck Day plus a full week of eating like a caveman and exercising like a lunatic. Just another regular week in San Francisco.....
Roller skating eh? my mind casts back to Camelford and my wince face is activated add i can smell witchhazel and in my head i can hear Thats not skating thats falling with style( apologies to WOODY).However i remember you ice skating at Bryant Park and you did really well ,so can you put that balance skill to a disco beat? of course you can! what can i say about your potato pod they really excelled themsleves soo funny and charming .Be careful they dont stage a coup and take over blog for their own political purposes. Best LOL phrase for me was more cow than a Manhatten bar on singles night. How do you think these things up .thanks again for the time and effort you spend on keeping us amused lots lovexxxxxx
Dont forget you can use almond milk cavemen ann caveladies loved their nuts xxxxxxx
another fantastic hilarious forfeit blog, so funny and loved the suspense with mrs p and the blender!!! so entertaining and thrilled you got the roller disco, wish i could join you, thank god they dont do roller zumba! hey, now theres another idea!!!!
think you will drop the lbs really fast now, as essentially that is the diet i have to do woth the intolerances... no diary restrictive carbs lots fruit and veg little to no fat.. worked for me and am sure you will get a forfeit rest next week! you are so lucky to be able to buy differnt meats so easily, and cheaply compared to here... 25 quid for rolled leg of pork here! but good luck and make sure you dont suddenly get bunged up with all the meat too and lots lots water!!
take care soopy love and miss you lots! xxxxxx
Nice thought Lou about the meat sweats lol
Loopy - you will be pleased to know I have managed to find an old-fashioned roller rink, so Roller Derby Disaster Day may be next Sunday.... stay tuned....
And - yes - I will be wearing neon legwarmers.....
Loved the photo-shoot. Is there no end to your creativity :) Sorry been really busy with Dad here and I am several blog entries behind. I will sit down and enjoy them later today with a cup of tea WITH milk! I ain't no caveman.
yey to the leg warmers!!!! i knew there was a roller disco there somewhere! had to be its san fran!!! cant wait to see the photos of you rollering..then the ambulance and the e.r.!!! remember the roller rink we got dad onto at thorpe park with the blood drips and smears on the floor!! just to pep you u a bit!! and we got lots of activites planned for 1st international duck day and will post the photos on facebook for you! cant wait for your next blog entry..seriously you should give up work and do this full time!!!
and i am a concerned loving sister.. my siblings bowel movements are a concern.. especially with 2 defenceless working cats and a posse of plastic potatos in the immediate vicinity.. a tradegy waiting to happen...!
love you soopy!!! xxx
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