Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Round Up of Week 4 Highlights: Weekly Weight Loss Target Revealed....
Well, as I sit here about to sign up for a bagel-making workshop, Week 4 of the Get Lean and Loopyliscious Challenge is drawing to a close and its time to take stock and review what I've been up to since last week and ponder my chances for tomorrow.  So, since last Wednesday's weigh-in, I've been pretty bloody active, including:
  • Three personal training sessions with my kick-ass hard core trainer, Natalie
  • Two 45-min squash lessons with George at the Bay Club plus an additional solo 30-min practice session
  • Cycled to/from the Bay Club 3 times
I've also been paying close attention to my diet too - below you can see the weekly summary report from my Slacker Tracker (or, more prosaically, Bodymedia FIT), so you can see I haven't been cheating!!!  Over the last week, I've:
  • Been 100% on the wagon 
  • Consumed a daily average of 1617 calories
  • Burnt a daily average of 2491
  • Achieved a daily calorie deficit of 874 calories.

SOOOO....according to my faithful slacker tracker, that should mean I am 100% on track to lose 1.5lbs this week.  Yep, folks, that's my weekly target - a mere 1.5lbs.  That's almost do-able with just a good dump, so god only knows why I've been having so much trouble over the last couple of weeks.  Bloody nostalgic fat.

Anyway, so now you know.  And, as I prepare my right forearm for the exquisite experience that will be the 1st International Duck Day tomorrow, I can only hope for a result that adequately reflects the amount of sweat and effort that's been genuinely expended this week.....

Stay tuned - all will be revealed in the morning....


Unknown said...

good luck soopy!!! i hope very hard for you that you will see a positive result tommorrow.. we all routing for you!!! you been working so hard and its about time the scales stopped its militant stand with your microwave and give you a boost! perhaps get your political pots to get on board and apply some pressure on said communist scales!! and nostalgic fat is still the best thing i have heard!! you are so clever with words! i know its your job too but you hit the nail on the head everytime! and cant wait for the first international duck day tomorrow, we will try and celebrate it too ala cyprus style! good luck thinking of you love you lots xxxx

Mumsie said...

Well, cant deny the numbers you should be seeing a loss on your scales tomorrow darling and well done with all your achieved activity . are the days longer in san fran ? they must be for you to pack somuch fun work exercise blogging into a week. fingers crossed for tomorrow xxxxx

Unknown said...

mfhjjjdsjckv,k,,l,kvjkvjmk, , , kjvjkhhvjvjjjjjjjjjjjjjutgufjv nb n n ntttjbbjbjbjjbbj j j jjjgt6mjcjj
kvbkvk,, ,kuyuiigugohgighu766yigyhbuuijuniyhviuyiuiygyfiuhigibjvkjijb jjtyuu5tu887t87uiibjghgj jjbjgbjbujbbj jnbhuhuuytuyyhuyuyuyy

love from eren!!!!!

Mumsie said...

Should he really know that language at his tender age? Get him to type in Turkish next time ! yes v lucky only fried the leads box undamaged so no charge thank goodness big kiss to clever boy and you of course xxxxxxx