Thursday, November 06, 2008

Seoul sistah
Hello from Seoul!! Have now landed at Seoul airport and am now sitting in the First Class lounge of Korean air (somehow got upgraded but alas, only have 10mins to pretend I belonge here before I've to board!). Fortunately the pilot turned out to be a good aim - the runway strip seemed to appear out of the ocean from nowhere, just you were convinced he was about to try and land this puppy on water! The view was stunning - again, my pics dont really reflect how gorgeous it was, but the sunset was a stunning red-orange which bathed the lush and verdant Korean mountains below. It's a shame I wont get to explore more (and the rules of my country collecting are very strict in saying that airports dont count!!) but I think this is a part of the world that I'm very likely to come back too, so maybe next time.

As you'd expect, Seoul airport is very clean and its people are VERY short!! The only people I'm not towering at least a foot over are the other tourists! Now I know how Gulliver felt! OK - gotta run, time for Phase 2 of the Incredible Journey awaits.....

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