Post script: final addition to the apartment - a vintage
double decker (trolley) bus sign from Merry
Olde England, circa 1960's |
Day 1 in the Big Brother House….
Finally! She's here! Seems to be quite the week for deliveries! Yep, courtesy of an 12hr Turkish Airlines flight from Istanbul, followed by a terrible driver from the airport, Mumsie finally arrived safe and sound at my place last night around 7pm. Other than the crap, rude driver, Mum's journey had been good (though a bit bumpy in places), if long, as her connection involved an overnight sojourn in the Turkish Airlines lounge at Istanbul. Fortunately there is a little quiet spot in the lounge with full recliners where you can stretch out and take a snooze, so she managed to get a couple hours rest overnight.
So I extended my vacation by one more day, so that I could spend the first full day with Mum and not have to go to work. First up on the list of things to do was to get Mum a new pair of trainers so that she could join me in the gym tomorrow morning for Day 1 of our joint 10 day detox. I've fallen off the detox wagon over the last week (though I'm citing special circumstances of my apartment move and house-warming party), so its high time to get back on the straight and narrow. Fortunately, Mumsie is down for doing it too, so no deep dish for her for at least 10 days!! We headed off to the Temple of Shoes, DSW, in Skokie and found her a very snazzy blue and hot pink pair of Nikes. Alarmingly, it matched exactly what she was already wearing…
Pastries galore!! Mumsie is in sugar heaven... |
With the 10 day detox deadline looming closer, our lunch place of choice had to be none other than Panera Bread - purveyors of all that is Not Good for You and chockfull of GMOs and bad things. I could feel my blood sugar trembling in horror just walking through the front door. But, it had to be done - so Mumsie picked a bear claw with almonds and a strawberry and rhubarb cake from the dazzling array of confections. Lunch itself was a chicken wrap thing and a panini sandwich - they were OK, but not as good as Cosi's. That will definitely be a future lunch stop….
Cat wee-scented geraniums |
After lunch, we headed back to the Swank Pad for a bit for Mumsie to go have a quick snooze to stave off the jet lag. As it happened, I was the one who fell asleep whilst Mum just lay and read - but hey, I love me a mid-afternoon nap, so I wasn't complaining! After rousing ourselves from our decadent slothiness, our afternoon excursion was to Home Depot to go and pick out some herbage and foliage for my new window planters. Unlike in San Francisco, the growing season here is painfully short and you know anything you plant is pretty much going to be toast, come the winter. So, we confined ourselves to the rather impressive Annuals section where there was an anxiety-evoking amount of choice but, after much um-ming and ah-ing, I think we did good. Returning home, there was just time to get a couple of the planters done before I had my training session with Christopher - still got me begonias to pot! I'll get them done tomorrow, but its already looking lovely, I think!
Checking out the herby pots |
Under construction…. floral oasis in progress... |
see mumsie can prophetically match her clothes with her footwear!!! glad you gave mum at least 24hrs to enjoy treats that dont include the words borek, or hellim but i am sure she is looking forward to the detox challenge!! ahhhhh a proper garden centre!!! i am very jealous and would hvae spent all day looking at pretty things instead of plants that want to spike, gore or kill you!!! so happy you and mumsie are together been too long!!! me jealous? only ever so completely!!! have fun lots love to you both xxxxxxxxxx
You will have to tell us about the driver. He must be one hell of a brave man or a complete raving idiot to take on a mumsie who must have been feeling the effects of a long and bumpy flight. I didn't think that it would take long for the Chicago rain forest was planted. Love to you both and have great time x x x x x x
Looks like you two are off to a good start! There is a famous place for breakfast in Willmette that we visited when we were last there. On top of wonderful savory offerings they also serve their famous apple pancake. The pancake is beyond insane and is basically sugary gooeyness and is about 2 inches thick, I kid you not! Its called Walker Bros and it is on Green Bay Road, Willmette. You have to go and you have to go before the detox. After the detox I don't think your body could handle it :)
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