Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Where did that come from?
Wow. Just woken up from an incredibly intense and vivid dream where I got fired from my job for no reason whatsoever. Went from indispensable to disposable with 2 days notice. I either dont dream or usually dont remember them but this one was so strong, its like a movie, as i can still replay bits in my mind. Added to that, in this dream, the loss of my job seemed to be orchestrated by my Mum and sister, and it was all very unpleasant!! I think I came out fighting in the end and decided to sue Pfizer but it was the sense of bewilderment and "but why?" that really got me. I think i need a very very long and strenuous hike today to get the residual anxiety out of my system! Either that or a very large glass of Malbec!! :-(

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