Ah, weight loss. Its such a dance. A wobbly waltz. A chubbyliscous cha-cha-cha. A tub-tastic two step. In that its two steps forward, one step back.... (not unlike the Asian gentleman whose sharp moves we so enjoyed on Sunday).
So this week sees the end of Week 6 of the GL&LC challenge and time for the Scales of Hope and Glory to reveal how I did. Now, you remember last week was the first week of my Paleo Diet and i lost 3.3lbs, which I was very happy about. This was despite indulging in a cocktail and dessert (or two) at the grownup sleepover at the California Academy of Sciences - but, as you also know, that was completely acceptable as it was well within earshot of the various caveman exhibits, so was fully Paleo, Neo- AND Mesolithic-compliant.
This week was the second week of the Paleo diet. And I have to confess I fell off the Paleo wagon a couple of times - one on Monday night where, at one of the regular Healthcare Businesswomen's Association events I hold at my house, my willpower suddenly fractured like the San Andreas fault and I devoured some pizza and a couple glasses of Sauvignon Blanc. The other (as you already know) on Sunday, where no human being alive could have resisted the temptation of a chutney tasting for an entire day, so I ended up scarfing down some illicit carbs then too. So that was one thing. Another factor this week (I think you can see where this is heading) is that I've not been getting enough sleep and have been going to bed waaaay too late. This, apparently, is bad for weight loss.
Which brings me to the final, and probably most important factor of all - the tragic demise of the Geico Gecko. Yes, despite battling bravely in the Great 2012 NorCal Tomato Battle, unfortunately the Gecko lost the war with the washing machine and ended up as gecko soup (the only consolation though - it was a clean fight). Thus, I believe the Power of Paleo deserted me this week in retribution for his chum's sudsy expiry and that the Geico Caveman conspired with my once again recalcitrant downstairs bathroom scales and microwave to punish me mightily for my transgressions.
So, the scores on this week's doors alas are....
Weekly target: 1.5lb loss
Weekly score: 2lb GAIN!!!!
Yes. I sodding well put weight back on this week. And thus have discovered a THIRD type of fat - stealth fat. You think its gone, you can't see it and then - BAM!! Its back! As if it had never really left at all and was simply hiding out in your sock drawer waiting to make its move while you're asleep. (it bears a very close genetic relationship with the previously identified squatter fat, but is just sneakier).
And - we all know what that means.... yes, its forfeit time. Fortunately (I guess for my plans to get more sleep tonight), no complex photoshoots involving Mr & Mrs Potato Heads and the P of Double D were required tonight, due to the not-unattractive Cap'n John having already selected a forfeit for me, after my Duck Tour. I wasn't expecting to have to have opened that envelope so quickly but them's the breaks, so today (under the watchful supervision of an independent arbiter from Northern Cyprus) I retrieved the envelope from the P of Double D and opened it to reveal.....
Visit the Conservatory of Flowers!
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My trainer, Natalie, spicing up one of our sessions with the element of "surprise". Next time she pulls this trick, I'm bringing in the P of Double D as back-up.... |
So, onto Week 7 and - like the President in the first of the debates tonight, it's time to step it up a notch. My trainer, Natalie, seems to think so too as she gave me my schedule of exercise for the month of October today - and I am doing some form of exercise every day except Sunday. More running and cardio will be involved but I guess there's a reason that pretty much every weight loss show you see on telly and every trainer you talk to tells you you need to step up the cardio and run if possible - cos it really works. We actually went on another 3.5mile run today - and I actually came close to almost enjoying it. We were out in the fresh air, in the sunshine, along the Embarcadero and i could see how it had the potential to be "fun".
So, there you have it. Both my successes and failures for the world to see - but I just gotta keep at it and I will get there in the end!!
The good thing about stealth weight is that it creeps away sa easily as it arrived.Mystic Meg predicts that it will not show its sneaky little presence on the scales next week.Vrey funny blog once more you are able to turn your misfortunes into comic relief for the rest of us,thanks darling. eren here now and he wants to watch washing machines on you tube.Strange boy takes after his aunty sarah lots lovexxxxxxxxxx
see those cavemen were in cahoots with the stealth fatand convinced you it was ok to be non aleo compliant..and i bet they were neaderthals too, doing the ultimate revenge on their dominate and non extinct bretheren, homosapien...you should have seen that coming!!!
at least you got one of my nicew forfeits and i expect some gorgeous photos of that and the roller disco! loved the polo and chutney blog too v v v funny and love the hat too!
good luck this week with the diet, hope the anti stealth fat metabolic missiles kick back in for you this week, without the fig with chutney! i love fig chutney, make me own from our fig tree and i agree its fab esp with an old english banger..the sausage folks not me!!
anyway good luck for this week take care and love you lots xxxxxxx
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