Alas, in a tragic end, while the P of Double D escaped the Great Norcal Tomato Battle unscathed, alas poor Gecko, did not. Eschewing the instructions for hand-washing only, Gecko geronimo-ed into the washing machine - and promptly got mashed into nylon soup. So, the reign of Full Metal Gecko has sadly come to an end - but his memory lives on.
As does the faint whiff of tomatoes in the washing machine drum....
Could he still get me 15% of my car insurence though? Poor chap but he went out in a blaze of squishy ,saucy glory.RIP to a green giant .he will be missed .xxxxxxx
If you purchase a car first, I'm sure he could still probably do you a deal...
He was indeed a jolly green giant (hang on... wrong vegetable...)
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