I couldn't be arsed to cook anything requiring too much thought or inventiveness today. Its a Sunday - supposed to be the Day of Rest, no? So, for supper, it was time to reach for the trusty tilapia fillets (only one left now) and simply fry up the little blighters with a big green salad. Not exciting but functional and tasty (kinda sounds like one of my ex's), so here are the scores on the (lazy-assed) doors:
Day 24: Tilapia filets and green salad
Ingredients: Umm...tilapia filets and green salad
DoD: 1 (well, opening that bag of green stuff was quite hard work...)
II: 1 (more like desperation than imagination tonight)
PfBF: 1 (fish was crispy and delicious, salad was - well - salady)
Overall assessment: bloody love tilapia for when you're feeling truly lazy. Only problem now is that i pretty much exhausted my freezer supplies and I now only have frozen tuna filets that I can't remember how to cook. Cook thawed or from frozen? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode when this...and many more of your KSCC questions will be answered.....PLUS we have a special guest interview lined up in the next couple of days, as KSCC reaches its peak and comes to its thrilling conclusion...
ps i should probably fess up that that pic is pinched from the internet. I...um...forgot to take a picture until I was about 2/3rds of the way through scarfing down supper. But they looked just like that, honest....
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