Announcing the "Get Lean and Loopyliscous Thanksgiving Challenge"
-------Episode 1: The Clock Is Ticking-----
As in the words of the Lion King, It Is Time.
(SIDENOTE: incidentally, I actually look like an extra from the Lion King right now - i'm in Houston for market research and the heat and humidity is making my hair frizz on out and up just like that annoying Lion King Woman who's in all the ads on the telly *sigh*).
It is Time to start my next 10 week adventure - the Get Lean and Loopyliscious Thanksgiving Challenge! Who knew that Baked Bean and Spam pizza would be so fattening? The only thing that got lean over KSCC was my credit card bill. So, its time to take action before I become a permanent chubster (plus I can't fit into 95% of my wardrobe!) and before I next go home to see my folks in Cyprus over Thanksgiving.
As I mentioned in my previous blog, the inspiration for this Challenge is my phenomenal sister, who is disappearing before my very eyes!! In the space of just over 3 months, she has lost an incredible 33lbs!!! The last time I was back in Cyprus, I paid for her to have her food intolerances tested and it turned out she had a severe intolerance to potato, corn, milk protein and rice, as well as needing to keep an eye on her refined carbs and sugar intake. I also bought her a Slacker Tracker to help keep her on the straight and narrow - and, since then, she hasn't looked back!! You can see already how much progress she's already made - and she's still going strong!! Bloody marvelous!!
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Loopy Before |
So - not that i'm in the least competitive - but its now GAME ON!! Time for me to get Skinny Like Loopy. Here are the Rules of Engagement of the Challenge*
Rules of Engagement:
Duration: 10 weeks
Challenge: Lose a top-secret (but still sensible and healthy) amount of chubbage in time for my Thanksgiving holiday back to see the folks in Cyprus. Don't worry - its a stretch(mark) goal, so I'm not going to cheat by aiming to lose 2lbs!
Start date: Weds Aug 22nd
End date: Weds Oct 31st
The Fine Print
Here's how it will work: For a 10 week challenge, each week should bring me 10% closer to my end goal. So, by the end of week 1, I should be at 10%, at the end of week 2, 20% etc.
Every Wednesday, from now to the end of the Challenge, I will post my stats so you can see where i am vs where I should be. Here's the first twist:
IF I AM AHEAD OF OR ON TARGET: I get to bathe in the sweet glow of success.
IF I AM MORE THAN 5% BEHIND TARGET: You, dear reader, get to pick a forfeit for me for the week. I throw myself on your mercy. Nothing illegal, career-limiting, overly-expensive or requiring me to engage in any dodgy romantic liaisons with skanky blokes. You can get creative but not that creative. The forfeit should take no longer than half a day to complete, should be flexible in timing for its completion and should not leave any lasting mental or physical scars. At least not any that are visible.
My Recipe for Success:
1. Eat Clean.
Firstly, no Baked Bean and Spam Pizza. Good, clean and healthy food will be the order of the day.
Firstly, no Baked Bean and Spam Pizza. Good, clean and healthy food will be the order of the day.
2. ChubLog.
I will be relying on my faithful Slacker Tracker to keep me honest and on schedule. Every day, I will log my calorie intake with no fibbing. If I don't have Internet access for whatever reason, I will write it down and enter it in as soon as i can get back online.
I will be relying on my faithful Slacker Tracker to keep me honest and on schedule. Every day, I will log my calorie intake with no fibbing. If I don't have Internet access for whatever reason, I will write it down and enter it in as soon as i can get back online.
3. Well hello, Wine Wagon. Can I hitch a ride?
I will be giving up The Grape for the next 10 weeks. As its on my list of severely intolerant foods, its probably time to give the Chardonnay a break anyway, so this seems as good a time as any. This doesn't mean i"ll be completely on the wagon, though - a stiff Rangpur and Tonic would be completely acceptable, but all wine (including Champagne) is off limits for the next 10 weeks.
I will be giving up The Grape for the next 10 weeks. As its on my list of severely intolerant foods, its probably time to give the Chardonnay a break anyway, so this seems as good a time as any. This doesn't mean i"ll be completely on the wagon, though - a stiff Rangpur and Tonic would be completely acceptable, but all wine (including Champagne) is off limits for the next 10 weeks.
4. Get moving!!
Now I'm no longer shackled to my kitchen soaking pulses and interviewing boxes of biscuit mix, its time to get my arse off the couch and start to get more active. Over the last couple of months, my work and travel commitments have completely crushed my regular exercise schedule but now its time to take back control and make exercise the priority that it should be.
Here's the second twist: each week, I will focus on a different type of physical activity (steady on) as part of a not-at-all-well-controlled-or-scientifically-valid experiment to determine which type of activity is the best at fat burning and helping me reach my goal for that week. I've tried to pick activities that I can do whether I'm at home or traveling on business - all are pretty self-explanatory... and I'm also open to requests if you have additional suggestions - as long as it has an exclamation mark on the end. I will endeavor to conduct said activity as often as I can during that week and for a minimum of 25mins per session. I'm starting slow and working my way up to getting my ass kicked by Lacey's online routines in week 9!
Now I'm no longer shackled to my kitchen soaking pulses and interviewing boxes of biscuit mix, its time to get my arse off the couch and start to get more active. Over the last couple of months, my work and travel commitments have completely crushed my regular exercise schedule but now its time to take back control and make exercise the priority that it should be.
Here's the second twist: each week, I will focus on a different type of physical activity (steady on) as part of a not-at-all-well-controlled-or-scientifically-valid experiment to determine which type of activity is the best at fat burning and helping me reach my goal for that week. I've tried to pick activities that I can do whether I'm at home or traveling on business - all are pretty self-explanatory... and I'm also open to requests if you have additional suggestions - as long as it has an exclamation mark on the end. I will endeavor to conduct said activity as often as I can during that week and for a minimum of 25mins per session. I'm starting slow and working my way up to getting my ass kicked by Lacey's online routines in week 9!
Week 1: Walk Week!
Week 2: Zumba Week!
Week 3: Bounce Week!
Week 4: Gillian Michaels Week!
Week 5: Weights Week!
Week 6: House Work Week!
Week 7: Swim Week!
Week 8: Run Week!
Week 9: Lacey Stone Week!
Week 10: Bike Week!
I already hate Week 8.
And I will probably need to do some house work before week 6.
The Prince Pass Principle
Recognizing that Life Sometimes Intervenes, I am also instituting the Prince Pass clause. A Prince Pass is a single-use Pass that enables the user to Party Like Its 1999! on a single occasion without guilt or judgement. Examples of situations in which Prince Passes may be invoked include Nights Out with the Girls, Tasting Menu extravaganzas, Camping Cookouts, Market Research Boredom Defense Eating or Work Bonding Dinners. Not reaching the day's Calorie Deficit target on the Slacker Tracker will also trigger an automatic Prince Pass. 5 Prince Passes will be issued upon initiation of the Challenge and remain in effect until the 10 week endeavor has reached its thrilling conclusion. An additional 2 Prince Passes will be issued when the 50% of target goal has been reached and a final Prince Pass when the 80% goal has been passed.
USER NOTE: Prince Passes should be used with caution due to the heinous penalty incurred for not achieving that week's goal.
So then - TICK TOCK. The clock starts tomorrow at 0% of target. 7 days time, I'd better be at 10% of goal, or there'll be trouble....
* please note: other Terms and Conditions may apply
oh my!!! you have set ıt all out fantastıcally!!! maybe ı should joın along too for added excercıse but maybe substıtute run week wıth power walkıng or trampettıng ınstead!!! you go gırl!!! thanks for the before and nearly there photos really see how much ı have lost!!! BTW today ı am just 2lbs from target!!! then wıll set myself another 10lbs so wıll be able to hıde behınd the pıllar at ercan when you come and jump out at you!!
good luck wıth the challenge wıll be readıng avıdly and thınkıng up some fınes for you!!! already got one ready and waıtıng!!!! good to see you gıvıng up the grae am sure the weıght wıll fly off you!!! love and mıss you lots see you soon!!!!1 xxxxxxx
WOW! now thats the health plan of a strategic planner !its a lot more complex than my calories in less than calories out and the easiest exercises to satisfy the slacker tracker.must admit though have slacked off over past 8 weeks, when its so hot you sweat when you blink there is zero appeal in actually inducing extra sweatage! however the OMG its only 10 weeks til i see you again and lou being a complete star has given me the boot up the bum i need to buckle down so i can be awesome too. cant wait to follow your journey am sure its gonna be as funny and gripping as the contents of your cupboards.lots love darling xxxx
Sarah, I am exhausted already and all I have done it read the blog entry. Phew! You have your work cut out for you. Tell you what - when you do the run week I will run with you on the Embarcadero if you want company. Are you absolutely sure you want to give up wine and champagne? Steady on girl. That is a bit drastic. You might go into shock. I do know that a glass or two of red wine in the evening is good for you - at least thats what I keep telling myself. So proud of you for taking stock of your health in this manner and so brave of you for sharing the progress in your blog. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I can't wait for the book!!! Love A&K xxx
Love it. And why doesn't Louise look any older than she did when we were at school? Not fair!! Best of luck, looking forward to the next instalment x
thanks sam!!! being 41 now thats really giving me a huge confidence boost as well!!!! long may it last!! xxxx
i second ashleys comment about the would sell so many because you are honest descriptive hugely entertaining and most of all incredibly funny..eddie izzard would be proud and just a tad worried!! love you xxx
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