That's the turkey sorted then. |
What an epic Thanksgiving I just had. And, for reasons you'll see over the next few blog posts, one that got quite, well, competitive at times (I
know, right??).
One of my dearest NYC mates, Komal, was joining me for the holiday and a well-deserved break from her crazy work schedule. She arrived late on Wednesday night after some suitably seasonal travel carnage, with her flight from NYC being delayed about 3hrs because of incoming inclement weather. That, plus the sheer volume of folk that travel for Thanksgiving, had snarled everything up good and proper. But, she finally arrived and was picked up at the airport by the lovely Tim, who delivered her safely to my place around 11.30pm. She was pretty knackered, so after a quick natter and catch up, I showed her to her wing of my palatial estate and turned in for the night.
And thus ensued Part One of The Battle for Thanksgiving.
Before battle could commence, the old adage that "an army marches on its stomach" (which must take ages, frankly) was duly respected as I was (gasp!) cooking Thanksgiving dinner for me, Komal and Christopher (my trainer and a diamond geezer*). Now, originally I'd had in mind to do a British 70's themed dinner for a bit of a giggle (you know the score - all the old cheesy classics - prawn cocktail, duck a l'orange and pineapple upside cake) but in the end, I decided against it and instead went for a classic roast dinner - Jamie Oliver's roast chicken with all the trimmings!
Despite some "excitement" with the fire alarms going off several times because the oven was too hot at 475 (which is utterly ridiculous!), the stuffing getting a little charcoaly-crispy on the bottom and the sugar for the banana puff pastry dessert I was trying to make failing to caramelize (fortunately Christopher had brought over a pumpkin pie too, so not all was lost!), it was DEE-LISH!!! Moist succulent chicken (with a lemon stuffed up its arse), perfectly outwardly crunchy and inwardly fluffy roasty spuds, roasted parsnips, brussels with chestnuts and caramelized onions, pork sausage and chestnut stuffing, Yorkie puds, bisto gravy and BREAD SAUCE in Loopy's honor!!! Nom nom nom!!
I did keep one little element of my original homage to the 70's menu - inspired by Dad's visit a couple weeks back, I recreated his very tasty (and ridiculously easy to make) prawn cocktail with the secret sauce. I then amped up the retro-naff by serving them in cocktail glasses but - hey! - that's just the kind of wild and crazy kid I am! All washed down with suitable quantities of bubbles and vino - including a bottle of the finest Downtown Abbey claret, just for sh*ts and giggles. Well - given the high concentration of Brits for dinner, it seemed only fitting!!
A simple Thanksgiving table - but complete with decorative
paper turkey and ironic appetizers |
Thanks for the recipe, Dad! |
Not entirely sure what I'm doing here. I think I'm
immensely excited by the proximity of roast potatoes. |
Da Table, y'all |
Why, but of course. What would a traditional
meal in Amurica be without a decent claret, old chap? |
After the final spud was savored and stuffing stuffed down, it was time for WAR!!! First up, the 1st Annual Crappy Gingerbread House From Walgreens Smackdown Challenge!! I saw these little bad boys in the drugstore and just couldn't resist.
And…as you can tell from their expressions below, Komal and Christopher were equally as excited as I was to put our construction, design and decorative skills to the test. At stake - well, nothing really other than bragging rights and a beautiful edible snack to keep for all eternity. Which they probably would. Gingerbread houses and roaches. They will inherit the earth when all other species have twinkled out of existence.
Here's how it all went down - YOU be the judge (HINT: ITS THE MIDDLE ONE, THE MIDDLE ONE!!!)
Christopher and Komal can barely contain their excitement |
Simple, IKEA-level instructions. Easy-peasy,
especially after several glasses of champagne... |
Christopher is temporarily overwhelmed by the intense
competitive pressure |
Komal forging ahead, Amish barn raising style... |
This may be the reason I ran out of icing but, hey, there ain't
no draughts getting through these suckers! |
I think this is Christopher's "I'm not entirely
impressed with the blueprints for these gingerbread
houses" face |
Bloody overachiever. |
AHHHH- look at THIS house - isn't it just beautifully
decorated with JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT of
candy on the roof |
And a BEAUTIFUL stained glass window effect
and vintage authentic hand-carved 1920's
Tiffany glass door knob |
PLUS it had PETS! A chocolate shortbread
Scottie dog loved the look of the house SO MUCH
it decided to move in!! |
Some other houses. I think the one on the right has been
photoshopped. And I think a murderer lives in the one on
the left. |
Well, then. The outcome?
I think Kim Kardashian's arse really DID break the Internet. Its the only explanation I can come up with to explain why The Internet did not vote my house the winner. Despite the subtlest of hints, the tally on Facebook by the end of the night awarded the house on the right the win by the narrowest, hairs-breadth of margins. I'm sure everyone MEANT to say the middle one was by far the superior build, but I guess post-prandial Turkey Comas and residual sugar cravings were drawing people to the Candy Condo instead.
So, to conclude - End of Day 1 and the scores on the doors: Komal 1, Sarah 0
* Christopher - I know you wont have a clue what this means - hee hee! (don't worry - its a good thing!)
Funny, funny,funny !!! So pleased you were able to share delish food with great friends. Table looked perfect. Good to see the fruits of your first Gingerbread House smackdown Thanksgiving tradition ,you were all WINNERS !Looking forward to part 2 xxxxxxxxx
oh my!! what a funny post that was!!! i guffawed all the way through! But hats off to you soops with your roasty chicken dinner it looked delicious,and of course you ahd to have the bread sauce too! and loved the wine as well!! Gingerbread Smackdown was funny, but even though you didnt win you all had great fun, am sure both will remember that thanksgiving dinner forever! cant wait for part 2!! You competitive?! never!! love you!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now that is an american prawn cocktail. Did you trawl the Atlantic Mariana Trench to get those monsters. Poor Christophers expression looks more like that he suspects that someone has built their edifice around his glass of wine to be consumed at a later date when the wrecking crew is called in xxxxxxxxxxx
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