On Sunday past, it is no jest
It was, indeed, the best Scots Fest
Ooch aye the noo, through hail and rain.
When shall we three meet again?
Down, boy. Me showing the furry cow who's the boss |
The festival was being held over 2 days in a town about an hour's drive from Evanston, a place called Itasca. (I always want to pronounce it as Ithaca in my mind - dunno why, its just the way it is). Anyway, given I was likely to be a bit jet lagged, I'd also booked us into the Westin at Itasca for the evening, so I wouldn't have to drive back that evening. I'd gotten the room free with Westin Points (one of the perks of traveling so much for work) so that was good and - as the day unfolded - it turned out to be a very prescient decision!!! If you want to check out the full schedule of events (or are planning a trip this way next year..), here's the link to the Chicago Scots website: http://www.chicagoscots.org/highlandgames/
Because I happen to be a sucker, I am also now a proud member of said esteemed society, on account of deciding to be "nice" and give the 2 young people flogging memberships at the entrance gate a good start to their day by signing up (bloody hell, that makes me sound old). It was only $25 to join and it did entitle me to a free scone later on, so I think it was well worth it. Plus its also handy for future blogging opportunities too (hellooooooo Burns Night!) so I did it for you guys…. The fact that chaps in kilts can be quite sexy had nothing to do with it. Nope. No sirreee. Nothing whatsoever. (though, to be fair, by the end of the day we had seen quite the..umm.. spectrum in the Kilt Cuteness stakes)
Because I happen to be a sucker, I am also now a proud member of said esteemed society, on account of deciding to be "nice" and give the 2 young people flogging memberships at the entrance gate a good start to their day by signing up (bloody hell, that makes me sound old). It was only $25 to join and it did entitle me to a free scone later on, so I think it was well worth it. Plus its also handy for future blogging opportunities too (hellooooooo Burns Night!) so I did it for you guys…. The fact that chaps in kilts can be quite sexy had nothing to do with it. Nope. No sirreee. Nothing whatsoever. (though, to be fair, by the end of the day we had seen quite the..umm.. spectrum in the Kilt Cuteness stakes)
I'm ready for my close-up... |
Anyhoo, we were attending the festival on the second day, when such crowd pleasers as the knobbly knees contest, the haggis eating competition and the haggis hurling competition were being held. All promised giddy heights of excitement and tension, so we were very much looking forward to everything. The program of events was actually pretty full with at least 2 or 3 things happening at the same time - at times, it felt like I was at some kind of Scottish conference, as we juggled our agenda and itinerary "Well,.. its 2pm, so we have the intermediate Highland Dancing on the North Stage or the 30lb Sheaf Toss on the Heavy Athletic field - but then Rugby Sevens tournament starts at 2.15pm and the second qualifying round of the Pipe Bands starts at 2.30pm! What shall we do???"
Well, we started off, like all good adventures do, at the obvious, prime place.
The Food Court.
Oh my.
What a gloriously Scottish food court it was. Chock full of trucks selling all manner of superbly unhealthy and tasty items - not a salad item or low-fat treat in sight. Instead we had our choice of vendors of pies, pasties, haggis, pies, fish and chips, cakes, shepherd's pie, proper bangers and bacon butties, more cakery-bakery, fruit scones, pies and more chips. It was bloody marvelous. We started off splitting a portion of haggis and chips (laden with enough salt to start a new spice route to Tibet) which was DELISH (as long as you don't think about it too much) and then chowing down on the Full Monty - a sandwich with REAL british bangers and bacon from this chap who has a British food store in Chicago! HUZZAH!!! Finally! My pukka replacement for Tea and Sympathy in the West Village!! Now I can get my salad cream and choccy at World Market, and my sausages and cottage pie at Spencer's Jolly Posh store. http://www.jollyposh.com *happy sigh*
It promised to be a thrilling afternoon |
After our initial thirst for fried goods and fat were slaked, we headed over to the Heavy Athletic field where the first event of the day was the tossing of the Clachnert - basically how far you can throw a 16lb river stone. There were about 10 male competitors who, as it turned out, competed in all the events of a similar throw-ey type nature. While it was obviously terribly impressive from an athletic "crikey, thats quite heavy and you can chuck it quite far" perspective, as a spectator sport, it didn't quite kick in, really, in terms of dramatic tension. I discovered my threshold for watching hairy men throw a big rock in a muddy field was about eleven minutes. It was, indeed, an amazing journey of self-discovery.
After we'd finished Rocking out, we wandered off to see a few dogs running round hoops and failing to weave in and out of poles as requested by their handlers, much to their chagrin. One dog had been dyed in a pretty spectacular fashion, the others were bouncing around excitedly - it was exhausting just to watch! We watched that for…oh… eleven minutes or so, and then wandered off to see something else - this time the rugby tournament that was underway. We'd bought one of my picnic blankets (my fancy pants Veuve Clicquot one, of course), so we lay that down by the sidelines and sat down to watch the game. By this stage it was coming up for midday, so it was bloody hot!! And, given we didn't have any shade, I'd say we sat and watched the match for… ohh… about eleven minutes. By this stage, we realized we were suffering from Festival-Induced ADD and - as everyone knows - the only known cure for that was - Scottish cakes and pastries!! Guaranteed to knock you into a calorie-induced coma that will quiet even the most fidgety of folk and keep you rooted, soporifically, in the same place for at least an hour while you digest.
We overachieved.
Hello, Eccles cakes, lemon shortbread and a brick of a bread pudding thing that seemed genuinely made of brick, given the heft of it! Fortunately - by a miracle of planning - my phone's battery was about to die - so that meant that a trip to the car and a Nice Long Sit-Down was in order, while I plugged my phone in and waited for it to charge. Coincided nicely with Bakery Bingo and so we spent a very pleasant hour, in the car with the windows down, listening to the pipes and drum bands playing, while alternately eating our body weight in sugar with then dozing it off. Perfection.
Alas our calorie coma meant that we simply couldn't be arsed to move to rouse ourselves to go watch the haggis eating or haggis hurling competition. We figured we could probably imagine it well enough - besides, we were involved in our own Carbo Death Match, so we had our own battles to fight.
The Classic Scottish car picnic |
Well, we ended up having to imagine it too. Because, just after 5pm, as the last of the individual competitions wrapped up, we noticed that the sky overhead had suddenly become very ominous looking. Almost out of nowhere, the sky above had taken on a Mr.Stay Puft in Ghostbusters look, dark and brooding and looking for trouble. We crossed our fingers and atheistically prayed for the weather to hold….. but alas. At about 5.15pm, the heavens simply opened and we were suddenly running for cover from an torrential thunderstorm! We learned later on that there had actually also been tornado warnings issued - fortunately we didn't know that as we were huddling for shelter under the previously-packed whiskey tent!
And that is how the day ended, alas. After about 15 mins of sheltering from the rain, it became clear it wasn't going to stop any time soon, so we just thought "sod it" and make a squelchy dash for the car park. And this is where fortune favored the (scots) brave, as the hotel that i had booked for us was a mere 2 mins drive away, so instead of dealing with the insane weather on the roads, instead we dealt with the insane weather with a nice glass of wine and supper in the hotel restaurant. A very civilized ending to what had been a very enjoyable day.
Here are some more pics and some videos from the day - enjoy!!
Awww….steak in training. |
Mumsie making new friends |
Scone with strawberries and a whole cow's worth of cream. AND we got another one of these for FREE!! Yey for being a member! |
Adorable little Highland Dancers in training… though I suspect their ranks will be one fewer this time next year….. |
"Do you have a flag?" |
Dodgy geezers lining up for the knobbly knees competition…. |
Umm…tossing the Sheaf, anyone? |
Its lonely at the top! Judging the Highland Dancing.. Is that enormous table strictly necessary, love? |
Guess which tent this was? Yep… the whiskey tasting tent! |
Oh my… pies!! |
Shepherd's Pie Pie. Bloody bloody lovely lovely. |
Gathering of the clans |
Err.. not sure this lot got the memo about Tartan…. |
Great Scot! |
Finally. A creature that suffers worse Bad Hair Days than I do... |
Seriously?? Wearing a baseball cap on backwards while in full tartan regalia should NOT be allowed!!! |
Beep beep! Drooling at the vintage car show... |
Beautiful car. Damn shame it was all broken. |
My future car. |
Reservoir Scots |
It was all going so well… and then this….. |
I know I was with you and enjoyed the day immensely but reading the blog left me crying with laughter !Ican add nothing more except bloody marvellous and can I have a signed copy of What to do with a Mumsie in ........, definitely has best seller written all over it !! Cannot wait for our next adventure xxxxxxx. Louise , the little girl in the middle had her hands over her ears the whole dance, obviously found the piper a wee bit loud, reminded me of Eren xx
OMG!! you have ADD of eleven minutes! Think eren has a longer attention span than you!!! soooo funny! want a copy of the what to do with mumsie book! v funny! what were you doing with a dog anyway?! BTW the Aston is MY car so hands off, you can have the broken one! I am surprised you and mumsie didnt end up in hospital with pancreatic failure after eating all of that! and $25 is a bargain for a scone! soo funny blog and thanks for posting it, and glad you and mumsie having a fab time...loved the piccies and video too, shame about the thunderstorm! lots love to you both xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I thought you would have a response from Lou about the Aston Martin. What happened about the 10 day diet thingy, Did that fall victim to the 11 minute syndrome. It is great to see you both enjoying yourselves
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