The war is over.
I have won.
The enemy has been vanquished. Gone is the tyranny of tiny feet overhead. No more will I shout ineffectually at the ceiling as the Satanic Infant goes on one of his (or her) marathon thump-fest training circuits above me or Mrs. Devil Spawn decides to rearrange her furniture by dra..a..a..a..gging it across the floor, legs screeching across the wooden floor like nails on a chalkboard.
Yes. I moved apartment. Penthouse, baby, here I come.
I took the week off for the move - I got the keys officially on Tuesday (though they let me in early on Friday to take some measurements for my closet re-install) and had arranged for the cable guy and the closet man to come and transfer my internet service and my closet system (not cheap - but worth it),. Wednesday the movers came to move all the heavy items of furniture (i'd spent all of Tuesday moving everything else by hand with a little cart - i made so many trips between my old and new place, I got blisters on the underside of my toes!) and then Thursday all my new furniture from Room and Board arrived! I've been waiting for it since the beginning of February (some of it was custom made) and working with Rachel from the Skokie store on the design, so we were both excited to see how it all came together. Then Friday was my apartment-warming party and, through a herculean effort, I had everything done! All the pictures were up, everything was put away, fresh flowers in vases and champagne on ice. The sushi arrived at 4pm, the pizzas were ready to bake, the bar cart was fully stocked and all that was needed was to add friends, and serve! I'd put from 5pm - 8pm on the invite but - almost to a tee and within 10 mins of each other - everyone turned up on the dot at 6pm! Isn't human behavior fascinating? I was quite glad of the extra hour to finish getting ready - but quite relieved all the same when everyone turned up! I'd invited some of my immediate neighbors too (the old-fashioned way with handwritten notes under the door) so a few of them came along too. Christopher did a bang up job with the coffee tequila and Baileys shots (mmm) and Lauren served as impromptu quiz master asking us random questions about even more random topics downloaded from the internet. It turned into quite a late affair (apologies to the neighbor who lives next door and whom I'd invited but didn't show) with the last guest leaving at just before 1am!! The jereboam from Domaine Carneros went down a treat and, all in all, a quite heroic amount of champagne was consumed - well done, chaps! And, other than one champagne glass falling casualty, everything was unscathed and the brand spanking new furniture made it through without incident!
So, then - want to see my new place?
Alright then - lets go… through the keyhole!!
Blank canvas |
Master bedroom with attendant Dalek at the ready... |
They're here! They're here!! |
Filling up the freight elevator with all my new goodies! |
Rug 1: made of lots of bits of cowhide artfully stitched together |
Rug 2: made via lots of naked NZ sheep - pre-stained! |
OK OK - here's what it looks like all finished and fancy….
What a beautiful apartment. You even have the purple cushions on the bed for mumsie.I don't think that it is Dylan looking wistful, it looks more like what has she done now. I will never find my way around without some help. Will look forward to see the results of the horticultural project. 3months should see the beginnings of a rain forest, or snow drops
am sooo jealous your new place is amazing!!! to thik of the first pokey apt you had in christopher street to this one is mind blowing, would trade ten ten in a heart beat for that place and the view!! you deserve an amazing place for all the years of hard work you have done, enjoy it and i love it soooo much!!!! lovely to see the stone siamese is still with you after all the years and moves nostalgia of camelford!! mum will love the balcony and train watching as would i! trains!! well done soops its wonderful and the cats look happy with their new scratching post too!!!! love you!!!! xxxxx
OMG - that place is amazing and we love, love, love all the fabulous furniture. You look so settled already and we are envious of your space. Our entire NYC apartment is about as big as your master bedroom, as you well know from your last visit here. We can not wait for you and your lovely Mum to come to New York and we can not wait to come and see you. Sarah - SOOOOOO happy for you. This has all worked out so lovely and its just so comforting to know you are only a short hop, skip and a jump away rather than on the west coast. However, I do miss our special times together whenever I am in SF. We will have much to toast when you get to Manhattan. I can't believe the cats are scratching the fancy chairs. Why can't you train cats to damage cheap furniture? :)
Sarah your place is phenomenal! Gorgeous gorgeous and so well deserved.
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