And alas, poor Zurich, I did not get to know him well. Sayonara to the land of Toblerones, cheese pots and scant humor.
Yes….. I can now reveal that the final destination for my Round The World Without Leaving Home Career Relocation Roulette is…..
…The Arctic Circle!
Here are some piccies of my new home-to-be….
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Beautiful stroll along the waterfront. Complete with all the ice-pops you can eat. |
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Slightly more skyscrapers than I remember the Arctic Circle having… but still - a beautiful aerial shot of my new home. |
Oh, OK OK. I'm not really moving to the Arctic Circle. No. Its FAR too warm there. What on EARTH was I thinking?
I am, in fact, moving to Chicago. Well, Deerfield, to be precise. Well, Evanston, to be precisely precise. With my (fab, by the way) new job, it made sense for me to be co-located with the rest of the team who'll be working on the clinical development of the new drug I've been assigned to. And that means I'll be working out of the office in Deerfield, about 25 miles north of Chicago. However, seeing as the name of the town also refers to the most exciting thing that can happen to you whilst you're there, I decided to live a half hour's commute away in the beautiful college town of Evanston.
But it really is warmer in the Arctic Circle. On the days those photos were taken, it was colder in Chicago than it was at the North Pole. The whole of the Eastern Seaboard had been consumed by the excitingly sounding, but frigidly unthrilling, Polar Vortex (not to be confused by Sharknado, although now i'm thinking about it……genius!).
As I write this blog, a second polar vortex is gripping the Midwest once again in its chilly embrace, and it is a mind-blowingly fecking freezing MINUS 21C!!! Its so cold, its actually making me default back to Celsius! Its so damned cold my company has told everyone to work from home today and tomorrow because of "dangerously low temperatures"! Everyone I spoke to at the office in Deerfield this week gave me a very odd, strangely sympathetic look when I told them I was relocating from San Francisco where the weather is a constant 66 degrees and sunny, to the middle of Ice Age, Illinois! The understatement of the obvious was then a universal "Ooo…the weather'll be a bit of a change for you then". Really? No shit, Sherlock.
Anyway, for you Polar Vortex-ing, dolphin-polishing, sharknado-dodging die-hards, here's some more pictures of the Freeze My Arse Off capital of the Midwest for you to enjoy, safe in the knowledge you're not relocating here…. Just as well I've got the Canada Goose jacket on order!!!
Apartment-hunting blog and pictures to follow!
oh how awesome is that?!! Yeah i know you run the risk of important appendages snapping off in the blink of a frozen eye, but my word how a city can look sooo beautiful!!!!! am well jelly!! and secondly...really?someone madea film called sharkado? i literally had to rehinge my jaw after that mind blowing trailer....and not in a good way either!!! thanks for the giggle at that and the lovely pics, canr wait to visit!!!! love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sorry... sharknado!! beyond awful!!! shark shark to a new level!! xxxx
Where do you find these gems? Sharknado? Really? :)
so. whats that Sarah?you will come to Cyprus for christmas and my visit to you will now be may ,june , july to take in your birthday ? O
K then,that seems sensible considering the complete unreadiness of my wardrobe for below zero temps. My winter gear is made up of a pair of tights and fingerless gloves !!!! So pleased you loving your new job and already enjoying the change of seasons, snow at Christmas , (except in cyprus ) blossoms in spring, take your cardie off in summer and crisp autumn days, wonderful. It will be pleasent to live once again in a small university town , all very exciting, cant wait to visit. love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
And there's Sharknado 2 as well Louise, or you could indulge in giant squid vs mega shark. You gotta love a B movie, but i think Sarah it'll be more accurate to liken it to The day after tomorrow. Alas a quick trip to Cardiff to the Dr Who experience is no longer on the cards for you, but I'll be thinking of you whilst I'm walking around it in March lol.
sigh...thanks dan for reminding me i live in the arse end of beyond, out of reach of whovian, killer aquatic and thermally essential undies, life!!!! have a great time.... and cant wait soops for the juliet auditions... xxxxxxxxxxxx
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