I always hate this bit.
Today was the day to take Mumsie to the airport and send her off on her long journey back to Northern Cyprus. 3 months seems to have gone by in a flash, especially the last month where I've been back and forward between NYC and SF so much. I counted the number of flights I've done since the start of the year - FIFTEEN since Jan 2nd!! Completely bonkers. Last week marked the end of a particularly heroic spate of commuting (I flew across the country and back in time, four years - more on that in another post), so I decided to make the most of going to LA and tack on an extra couple of days in Long Beach.
Earlier on in the day, Mumsie and I had stuffed my Equinox full of her cargo...umm... I mean, luggage and headed off to SFO, for our flight to LAX. Fortunately all the crazy travel and my 1K status with United had paid off with a free upgrade to First class on the short flight. More importantly, it also meant a free baggage allowance of up to 3 bags of 70lb per person, so at least Mumsie didn't have to pay extra on this leg of the trip (with Turkish airlines, even in business class, you only get 2 bags - each extra bag is an additional $150 each - a total of $300 in excess baggage fees - ouch!). The flight from SFO to LAX was very smooth (unlike my last flight back from NYC which was a white-knuckler for about 15 mins because of baaaaad turbulence - AND STILL PEOPLE WERE GETTING UP FROM THEIR SEAT TO GO TO THE LOO!! WTF?!!!). Mumsie also had invested in a couple of new suitcases (yey for Costco!) that actually wheeled properly (unlike one of her old ones that had it out for me and used to try and take chunks out of my ankles at regular intervals), so it was easy peasy to get the cases onto a trolley and head out to the transfer bus to the international terminal. This is usually the Most Stressful Part of the whole procedure - getting the bags off the luggage cart, loaded onto the racks in the transfer bus, then doing the opposite upon arriving at the International Terminal. The bags are heavy, there's always too many people and not enough space, it feels like it takes ages and people are impatient to get going, no-one helps you and its just generally rushed and pissy. This time, however, we had a savior - the bus driver was actually helpful and helped us on and off the bus with our bags. Easy. Just like that. Plus there was a luggage cart sitting waiting, so i didnt have to go wrestle with the SmartCart machine for once ($5 for a cart at LAX - and you're never quite sure if its actually going to give it to you - i'm sure that thing is sentient and deliberately f*cks with your head).
Anyway, most stressful part over and all we had to do was get Mumsie checked in at Turkish Airlines and she'd be on her way. Being the hyper-cautious, Don't Miss This Connection or It'll Be a Nightmare travelers that we are, we had arrived ridiculously early - so much so that the counter wasn't even open yet. But time is very easily spent in an airport, having coffee, reading, doing a little shopping... so much so that you have to actually remind yourself why you are there in the first place! So, after a couple of hours, it was time to check-in, so that was all fine - i wasn't picking up my rental car til 4pm, so we had time to get lunch before then all that was left to do was to sadly walk back downstairs, over to the departure gate, give Mumsie a HUGE hug and wave her off through the security checkpoint. As always, its a really sad moment, but one that is inevitable and necessary so we don't draw it out but say our goodbyes and get on our way.
Obviously, because of my ghostly adventure with Lori aboard the USS Hornet, I was already somewhat of a nautical know-it-all, so i was looking forward to exploring the ship and staying in slightly more luxurious surroundings this time. It was only a short drive from LAX to Long Beach in my bright blue Dodge muscle car (YEAH!) so, before I knew it, I was pulling up to the ship.
Holy cow. What an impressive sight.
She may be an old Queen (there's a tasteless joke in there somewhere) but she is still absolutely beautiful. And ENORMOUS! I'd arrived just after 5pm, so the light was starting to fade a bit and, as the sun went down, all the lights on the ship came up, so she was truly stunning, lit up and festooned in red and white lights, all along the length of the deck. I (eventually) found the entrance and took the lift up to the 3rd floor to check-in - I had stumbled onto the tail-end of ScotsFest - a 2 day festival of all things Scottish, including bagpipes, Highland Games and food (more on that later), and so it was absolutely heaving! So it took a while to check in but I didnt mind - it was fun to be there and soak in all the details of the ship, and to imagine what it looked like back in the 30's when it was the only civilized way to travel. It was faded in its elegance and a little worn around the edges, but it didn't take much imagination to picture the passengers from years past, when people still dressed up to travel and it was absolutely still a luxury, rather than simply a means of getting from A to B as quickly as possible.
Scalloped art-deco glass light fitting in my room |
Corridor just begging for a small kid on a trike.... |
And another set of deco-tastic lights! |
Fancy-pants embroidered shower curtain |
Hot AND Fresh? Now, that's my kinda shower.... |
Evening stroll along the deck |
That's when things started getting interesting.
Bagpipes smackdown in the OB |
"....And i still haven't found the lyrics that i'm looking for..." |
My new mate, Pete |
And, as i went back to take my seat, thoughts of me dressed in a reindeer suit singing with the choir at Macy's in the Holiday Village crossed my mind and i wondered how i keep getting myself into these situations... After a while longer, it was midnight, so it was time to bid my new Scottish buddies farewell, and try and find my way back to my cabin. It took a couple of attempts (it wasnt just the Hendricks - it is VERY easy to get lost! Mumsie - you'd be freaking out!) but I made it and gratefully flopped into bed. A very fun evening - all the more so for being completely unexpected!!
Great blog my darling, so pleased you enjoyed your stay on the grand old lady, you certainly needed to relax after after the past few weeks. envy you the pipes but not the long corridors, I would much rather take the tricycle !! Thanks again for a wonderful break , lots love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
love it! sounds like a wonderful time was had!
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