So its my first weekend spent at home for probably close to two months. The jetlag has taken me far longer to shake off than i expected and today is actually the first day since i got back that i haven't felt compelled to sleep in the afternoon! Pretty much every day, i've been crashing out around 4pm and waking up, drooling and with a stiff neck from the sofa, at around 9pm. Probably inevitable and understandable, but my productivity at work during my first week back has taken an absolute pounding. Lots of things starting to stack up as a result but it'll all get done in the end.
Other than a Mission district walking foodie tour that didnt happen (grrr), i had absolutely no plans at all for the weekend. I'd had quite a busy week back (despite the jetlag) with the HBA stuff starting to kick off, so i was looking forward to a weekend of chilling out and enjoying being back in my wonderful apartment. Saturday the weather was pretty nice, so i took a stroll down to the Embarcadero and finally made my first proper visit to the Farmer's Market. I only had $10 in my wallet and couldnt be arsed to queue at the ATM (loooooong line) to get more money out, so not much shopping for me, other than to carefully select which food truck i was going to pick for lunch. After much deliberation, i decided on the Prather Ranch truck and a delicious sounding pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw. Sounded yummy, in reality, very disappointing. Rather than being the unctuous sticky sweet BBQ porky goodness i was anticipating, it was basically a gammon steak thing, a single piece of meat, rather than the tangle of porcine pleasure i was looking forward to. Very disappointing. To stave off my dismay, i ended up getting a rather nice tub of coconut and blueberry sorbet instead (I was only going to have one scoop, but i was paying with a card, so paying for just one scoop with plastic felt too lame so i had to go for two instead!!).
I strolled back along the Embarcadero, enjoying the sunshine and the sheer joy of being back in San Francisco and knowing that I bloody well live here. I stopped off at my favorite little bookstore and cafe, Crossroads, and had a cup of jasmine tea, outside in the little garden, while reading a book i'd just bought inside called The Psychopath Test. Absolutely fascinating, very easy to read and - who knows - perhaps i might learn something that will help me at work.
Back at the apartment, i continued with my reading and - on cue - promptly fell asleep mid-afternoon. i woke up around 8pm, ate some chocolate (oops), watched a couple episodes of the Mentalist before calling it a night and heading off to bed around midnight.
All in all, a perfectly acceptable Saturday back in SF.
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