Another chilled out day today (is it only Tuesday? time seems soooo slow out here) - managed this time to get up in time for the 7am stretch and qigong classes (helped by my room's alarm clock mysteriously going off all by itself at 6.35am! nearly gave me a bloody heart attack!). Stretch was good (no matter how much you do, you always seem to feel tight!) and Qigong was interesting, although it would have been good to know a bit more about what the sequences we were performing were supposed to be doing. I have no idea if i did it right or not - at times it all got a bit too co-ordinated for me (especially at that time of the morning!) and i lost the plot, so hopefully i didnt inadvertently do anything weird or irreperable to my Qi!!
After breakfast, time to load into the buses and head off for our hikes. I chose to do the easy intermediate hike today up Mount Peg, mainly so i could mildly amuse myself with lots of internal double-entendres and smutty thoughts (sorry, honey!). Actually, the walk was gorgeous
too - quite short, only about 4.5miles or so, but with lovely views across Killington from a beautiful alpine meadow, about halfway up. Got chatting to one of the guides, a chap called Sam, and we were trying to out-nerd each other with our knowledge of camping equipment (he eventually won on account of having once given a 15min lecture on how to strip down and rebuild a MSR Whisperlite stove - I conceded graciously!) and swapped favourite campfire recipes. He also put me on to (another) outdoorsy website called http://www.moosejaw.com/ - yet another mailing list to sign up for!

Following the hike, we continued on into the town of Woodstock to eat our bagged lunch and to do some shopping. Was a very pretty little town and I found this perfect quiet spot for lunch, down the road a bit from the green, right by the river. Very contently chomped my sandwich in the sunshine, sipped my (illicit) non-fat maple latte and read yesterday's copy of the New York Times. Then did a bit of shopping and bought a few pressies before heading back to the hotel for a lazy afternoon in the sun.
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