Survived one of THE most miserable nights of my life. In addition to the pain in my knee caused by last nights tumble on the way to the stinking latrine, Sam decided last night that he'd practice snoring for England yet again, so it was like having a sodding jackhammer pounding away next to my head. Add to that the fact that it was UNBELIEVABLY cold, despite my sleeping bag's claims to go down to -7C and my wearing absolutely every item of clothing i'd brought with me. The camping mats we'd hired were utterly shite and provided absolutely NO insulation against the cold seeping up through the ground, so I actually became increasingly concerned through the night that hypothermia could be a real issue. Sam was utterly useless as - every time I went to snuggle for warmth - he'd move away to protect his knee which was killing him. Cant blame him but didnt particularly love him for it either. The cold was so intense, my earplugs didnt work because they didnt get warm enough to soften up in the ear and block out the sound, so Sam's snoring was unmitigated in its loudness. AND to add final insult to injury, because I obviously couldnt sleep a wink because of all of the above, after about an hour of misery, my bladder decided to join the party and tell me that it would like to be emptied, thanks very much. Just brilliant. Of course, there was no sodding way in hell i was getting up and going outside into the freezing cold night and losing whatever tiny bit of heat i'd managed to generate in my sleeping bag. So, i just lay there - all frigging night, knee hurting, desperate for a pee, colder than i ever remember having been in my life before and listening to my delightful BF snoring his sodding head off. I was not a happy bunny. Come the first inkling of daylight, i was up and out of that miserable tent and thinking extremely murderous thoughts towards Sam. I was soooo mad with him, I could barely look at him for at least an hour.

After deciding that the only real reason not to murder Sam slowly and painfully using blunt camping cutlery was the effort involved in having to dispose of the body, we set off on the sodding walk we'd come out to this godforsaken place to do anyway. After absolutely BUGGER ALL sleep, I did remarkably well in terms of the ascent of the mountain itself and we kept a good pace up. Got to the top and - unlike TdP - unfortunately the top of Mt Fitzroy was still shrouded in cloud. So the views were good and still mightily impressive, but not as completely stunning as we'd hoped for.
So then time to scamper back down the mountain, break camp and walk back into town for our last night at the hostel . When we got back, i rewarded myself with the largest mug of hot chocolate possible and an early night.
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