Sunday, December 07, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas…..

Only 11days to go and I am outta here!!  Family Festive Fun awaits in Cyprus - and I can't wait!!   I have three mahoosive suitcases jam-packed full of gifts and goodies and I'm just waiting on one more thing to arrive next week, and I am DONE!!  Just call me Santa Soopy!

As I'm heading out for Christmas, there's not much point decorating the apartment (plus the cats would only eat any tinsel they could get their paws on then chuck it back up somewhere for me to find on my return) so instead, me, Christopher and Lauren took a trip on Friday night to see the lights at Chicago Zoo.  We prefaced it with a very nice pizza first (my last hurrah before the start of my Andes diet - more to come on that….), hit the Parking Jackpot finding a space right across from the zoo, and wandered over.  Lincoln Park Zoo is one of the last completely free zoos in the country and so the light show was free too.   It was one of the first nights it was open and it was a beautiful evening, around 40 degrees, so not insanely chilly but nice enough that you could stroll round and take your time.  We also stopped and got a mug of warm spiced wine too (or "adult" hot chocolate laced with rum), so it was all very festive.

As you can see from the pics below, the lights were fab!  Loopy - you and the boys would have LOVED it - maybe some time in the future you'll be able to come and see them for yourself!!  But, in the meantime I took lots of piccies - and a couple of little videos too - enjoy!!!

They weren't monkeying about with these lights

R2D2 in a bubble!!!  

Not sure why this guy wasn't lit up - maybe
the lights would make him melt?
Palm trees and flamingos in Chicago in the winter
- someone has a very sick sense of humor!! 
Although it does look like we are posing in front
of the world's largest cannabis plant
And not a Coke bottle in sight, thank goodness…. 
The Big Man himself - see ya in 11 days!!
Cheetahs chillin'

He may be Abominable, but I'm sure his mother still loves him
But where's Spongebob?


  1. mumsiemumsie10:24 PM

    That was wonderful !!!!Glad you are having some Festive fun and frolics before flying the reindeer to Cyprus to be Santa Sarah !!!! Anticipation grows daily as our countdown continues too, cant wait to see you darling xxxxxxx

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you soopy! a blog just for little old me!! yes me and the boys would have loved to see them,and the dancing lights,and yes i agree that his mother would love him too!! cant wait for santa sarah in now T minus 10 days!! not that we are counting or anything!! see you soon and thanks for a lovely festive blog xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
