Monday, May 20, 2013

Oh Siri, Siri, Siri....


I think this is going to be an interesting relationship.  I'm sure there have been screeds and screeds of highly witty commentary written about Apple's digital friend but, what can i say - i'm tardy to the party, so i'm on late-breaking voyage of discovery of the singular joys of Siri.   Yes - FINALLY, i ditched the long-suffering Blackberry and finally traded in my work phone for an iPhone.  Even though I still loved the fruity gadget for the sheer joy and easiness of writing work emails for clients at the weekend and evenings, I'd finally had enough of its utter uselessness for anything else.  I wanted to be one of the cool kids (OK, OK, one of the 129 million Americans who own a smartphone) and be able to have those water-cooler conversations with myself at work about the latest must-have app I'd just downloaded or to be able to annoyingly Instagram everything in sight and imagine myself a hipster.

So, here I was, a Thursday night a couple of weeks ago, flying back to SF from meetings in NYC with a newly-minted iPhone 5 in my pocket and the United app already gleefully telling me I was number 1 on the upgrade list to miss the cut.  Fabulous.

Anyway, the flight back was fine, pretty smooth and with only a limited skirmish of Armrest Wars, so I landed around 10.30pm with no drama and just eager to get home to see the boys.  I autopiloted out of the terminal, did the usual routine of finding where i'd left my car in the car park by systematically unlocking and then re-locking it to locate it by its flashing lights and alarm beep, only to then find a rather unwelcome welcome home gift.

A flat.

Well, buggery bollocks.  I've only ever had one flat tire before, so I guess in 20-odd years (20 or so duration, not 20 weird... you know what i mean) of driving, thats not too terrible, but it was mildly irritating, seeing as I'd just flown all the way across the country and just wanted to get home for a nice cup of tea and to measure the depth of fluff the boys had been busily laying down on the couch in my absence.  Fortunately, I'd had the presence of mind somewhere in the dim distant past to buy auto insurance that actually included insurance for situations just like this!  Who knew??  And, what's more, I even had the insurance details on a little card in my wallet!  Well done me!  How terribly grown-up of me!  So, with my brand new iPhone 5, i called the White Knight on my insurance card (not to be confused by White Castle - thats a different kind of emergency) and was assured that someone would be with me within 30 mins who could help me out.  And - even more impressive - apparently I had a spare emergency tire in my trunk!!  And its been there the whole time!!  Huzzah!!  All I had to do was simply sit in my car, play with the Sounds settings on my new iPhone and wait for help to arrive.

After about 15 mins of trying to decide between Time Passing or Crickets as ring tones (both felt...I don't know...somewhat judgmental), I decided I should probably spend my time doing something slightly more constructive instead and find out where the closest tire repair shop in town was.  I had friends coming in to stay over the weekend, so needed the car to run around and do fun IKEA-errands with - none of which would be much fun on a 50mph upper-limit emergency tire.  So, I fired up Siri for the very first time and gave her the simple command in my clearest, least British-sounding accent:


Here was her erudite, weirdly-metallic sounding response:

Siri: "I am sorry"

Siri: "There is no one in your contacts matching "TY-RA PES-TO"

Good grief.
Is it too late to ask for my Blackberry back?


  1. haaahahahahahahhaahaa!!! Tyra pesto!!! classic!!!! see,getting to smart is fine but worried you...
    A) Didn't know where you parked your car
    B) Didn't know you had an emergency tyre
    C) Cant change a tyre!!

    Bless I know its not something important but by the time the man came you could have jacked up and changed that baby and got home to the fluffsters!!
    Perhaps one of your weekend things should be a how to change tyres course or something?! A valuable tool in maintaining femle independence!! But v v v v v funny blog!! love and miss you and Sherlock is ace!!! xxxxxx

  2. mumsiemumsie11:34 PM

    funny funny funny darling.!!!! Reminded me so much of the episode of Big Bang Theory when Raj first meete Siri, ever thought of writing a sit com ,it would be an instant hit.!!! did you ever find a non judgemental ring tone ,you cannot leave these questions unanswered cos I worry!!

  3. Ashley9:07 AM

    Love it! A great blog entry and very apropos after we were admiring your new piece of sleek technology. I had to laugh at your Siri experiences. I have a similar problem when I try to call from my car - I think its the English accent. So I too find myself putting on this terrible fake American accent to pronounce the names of my friends so I can just call them hands free from the car. Here is an example:
    Me: Telephone
    Car: Telephone activated. Please say the name of the person you wish to dial
    Me: Dial Holloway, Sarah (I have people stored by last name in case you were wondering)
    Car: Did you say dial Hargreaves, Susan
    Me: No
    Car: Please say the name of the person you wish to dial
    Me: Dial Holloway, Sarah
    Car: Did you say Hall, James
    Me: NO!!!!
    Car: Please say the name of the person you wish to dial
    Car: Dialing Smith, Matthew
    Me: WTF????? then proceed to hang up and dial manually.

    ARGHHHH! I feel your pain Sarah. Thanks for sharing the lovely pink bubbles the other evening. It was so nice to spend time with you just the two of you. Loved it!

  4. Ashley9:12 AM

    Correction: Of course I meant to write "It was lovely spending time with you, just the two of us". I wish there was a way to go back in and edit responses.
    I certainly was not implying that you were so large I thought there were two of you!!! Just want to get that straight, right here and now. For the record, Sarah looked fabulously svelte sporting a SF Giants jacket (yes, she had a weak moment and purchased attire with a sports team logo and actually wore it in public - WITH ME!).

  5. @Ashley - LOL! Thanks for clarifying!!! And its good to know i'm not the only one who has problems with these automated voice activated systems!!
