Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Silence in The Library
This one is for all the Whovians out there.....

So, if at all possible, when I travel for pleasure, I like to try and stay at quirky or unusual places, rather than the run-of-the-mill chain hotels or places that just remind me of when I travel on business.  The place in Joshua Tree that i found on VRBO was an example of that perfect blend of character, comfort and convenience.

Anyway, after I'd made my impulsive decision in the United departure lounge at JFK to book a flight to Maui, the next day, after I'd got back to SF, it was time to find somewhere to stay.  Hmmm.... after a couple of hours of searching hotels, inns, B&Bs and guest houses, I was beginning to realize that Maui isn't actually all that cheap a destination and that my inexpensive flight might end up getting partnered with a very expensive hotel!!  But, not all was yet lost - while I'd already checked VRBO with no success (lots of cool places at reasonable prices - but none that were available in just under a month's time), I decided to check another website I'd read about a week or so beforehand, AirBnB.   Now I'm sure all you progressive, tecchie-types who love complicated coffee machines are now feeling very smug because you've known about it for years, but this was a whole new playground of cool and interesting places!  (they even have TREEHOUSES, for God's sake!!!  GOTTA HAVE ME SOME OF THAT!!).

It didn't take me long to come across the perfect place - close to the airport and convenient for exploring, very reasonably priced, AVAILABLE and - did I mention - damned cool?   Here's the original listing (better pics than mine): https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/786018

Sleeping in a library, for heaven's sake??  Just how fantastic is that?  Now, as well as Champagne Camping (patent pending), I think I've just invented another type - Book Camping!

Yes.  Its a bed.  In a library.
It belongs to a local artist who has a whole community going on here, with studios and interns and foreign film clubs and sculptures everywhere you look.   I met him earlier on and he seems a very nice chap (although he called me "Type A" when I described what I'm up to tomorrow - hurrumph).   Anyway, its very high on the Quirkiness Index and it goes right off the charts when you start to notice some of the more...err... interesting decorative elements of the room.  But I guess artists can decorate with whatever weird stuff they like and not have to worry about explaining it to anyone - its just art, innit?

Although, I don't know whether having an explanation for the eyeballs would be better or worse.

Anyway, here are some pics - I'll post up some more of the art compound tomorrow, after i've had a chance to explore and assuming these creepy dolls who are sitting on the shelves don't come alive at night and eat my face off.

Where's the Ambien??

Hard at Metaphysical Study.... or am I?
If Reverend Green or Colonel Mustard turn up with
some lead piping or a candlestick, I'm outta here....
Umm....anyone, anyone??
Why are there spiky shoes in a perspex case?
Yes.  They are what they look like (no pun intended).
But why??????  And who?????   And whaaaaa????
Pretending I'm not scared of spiders as I look
at this picture....
Say hello to the kitchen.
 "Your QuickFire Challenge today is.....
Self-Immolation As You Make The Tea"
Yes.  Its a giant rusty iron spider gate thing.
Also known as "Art"
Lights on, in the gathering dusk....
"do these lights make my bisected abdomen look big?"
Anyone for tea?  

Anyway, I'm about to turn the lights out.

I hope the Vashta Nerada don't get me.....


  1. mumsiemumsie3:43 AM

    STAY OUT OF THE SHADOWS !!!!!!!.Glad it lived up to the description and is truly unique, I would never leave the room, except to make tea.Why are you surprised to be A type A+ is what I would give you ! .How could you not enjoy such an amazing range of"art" ,the dolls would have to go though. Did you resist the temptation to say ' heres looking at you kid"? to the eyes ? lots yove xxxxxxxxxx

  2. fabulous!! you do find some fantastically weird places to stay amd so glad cos it makes for great reading too!!! and i wasright too with the title!!!! lol!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
