Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Come fly with me!  

Here you go - video of my actual flight round the beautiful, stunning West Maui peaks....  enjoy!!!


  1. mumsiemumsie10:09 PM

    Video didn't upload ,so very disappointed, maybe like the pipers it would appear on facebook? xxxxxxxx

  2. dont know why - it works on mine. Anyone else having problems???

  3. Ashley8:07 AM

    It worked on mine. What an amazing video. Loved the full blog entry too - you are so bloody hilarious Sarah. You always put such a smile on my face.

  4. mumsiemumsie9:20 AM

    Watched both videos on you tube, just wonderful xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. what an amazing video!! one of my bucket list events to go in a helicopter...i hope if i doit is somewhere as wonderful as this!!! thanks for the video and the blogs really love reading and watching them!!!! thank you!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. Loopy - when you (eventually!) come to visit me in SF, i'll take you on the same helicopter ride I took Thomas on - all around the Marin headlands, and flying over then under the Golden Gate bridge!! You will LOVE it!! (we might even then squeeze in a quick trip to Vegas and I'll take you on a helicopter ride into the Grand Canyon too...)
