Friday, October 12, 2012

YEAH!!  Two 40-minute "runs" along the Embarcadero two mornings in a row!!  Plus I have a training session with Natalie this afternoon to kick my ass, so that's the exercise for the day.  Now, all I need to do is stay on-point with the nosh today, and we're good to go....

BRING ON NEXT WEDNESDAY!  P of Double D, I'm ready (almost...give me a few more days) for ya!!!


  1. well done soopy!! very proud of you honey!! keep up the good job love you lots xxxxx

  2. brave girl !wouuld rather face a personal trainer than run! the only two legged creatures that should run are birds. you never hear of an emu with shin splints or torn tendons! Still you do have a beautiful area to run in,Good luck darling lots lovexxxx
