Friday, September 14, 2012

****Announcing.... The 1st Ever International Duck Day****

PRESS RELEASE:  In other GL&LC news, the P of Double D is pleased to announce that Wednesday September 19th has been designated as "International Duck Day" where the forfeit from Week 3's weight-loss shortfall will be paid.  In full.  With quacks on.  Traffic restrictions may be in force.  Height restrictions may apply.  

SF, you have been warned.


  1. Thats ducking quacktastic cant wait! could you get me a mug please to commemerate the first Duck Day?

  2. I can do better than that. I can get you a beak-er....

  3. That would be quacking ,thanks darling !xxxxx

  4. height restrictions apply!!! request a bill of events and a beak er too!! should have a t shirt printed too like i ducked out for duck day or something! have fun cant wait to see your blog for this one!!! xxxxxx
