Friday, August 31, 2012

Get Lean and Loopyliscious Challenge - Rule Amendment #2
OK - so a couple days ago, I made The Challenge a little more flexible for myself in holding myself accountable to a weekly calorie deficit target vs having to hit a daily one every day.   So today, for example, I went over by about 200 calories but I will be making that up with some Extreme House Work tomorrow as well as my prescribed early morning merengue fiesta, given its Zumba Week! (oh joy).

HOWEVER, I think its time to implement another important rule amendment.  This one has been building for a while, not just linked to my current 10 week craziness, but I've been observing it for a while but - I finally have to just come out and say it - I'm afraid I've become addicted to my Snooze Button.  No, thats not code for something naughty, you mucky pups, but my Actual Real-Life Snooze Button.  Tragically enough, I use my Blackberry as my alarm clock so, when it goes off to wake me up in the morning, i'm awake long enough to scan my work email, sleepily answer the most pressing one from my boss - and then press the snooze button and try and cram in just a few more precious moments of sleep.  This is a fool's errand, primarily because my BB alarm is hard-wired into my cat's brains so - as soon as it wakes them up - they then seem to go into pissed-off, retaliatory mode and incessantly walk all over me, my face, my chest, scrap to try and get under the covers and generally be annoying little sods.  I think Izzie was a town cryer in a previous life, as he takes it upon himself to sit precariously on my loft ledge and shout his furry little head off at ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in particular.  So, after a couple of snooze buttons, I generally just give up and get up - immediately after which the cats jump up onto the bed and snuggle in to the warm patch i just left and promptly fall asleep.  

Does anyone want to adopt 2 Siamese cats?

Anyway, enough with the pre-amble, I hear you cry - what's your point?  Well.... today, I was supposed to get up and do my first Zumba session of Zumba Week! but I hit the snooze button so many times, I just ran out of time in the morning, so didnt do it.  This is NOT ACCEPTABLE and - with too many of these - I will most definitely have trouble staying on my Challenge fitness goals and will end up having to throw myself on your collective mercy for forfeits.  This I would rather not have to do.  So - to that end - starting tomorrow morning, the use of the Snooze Button is now Strictly Forbidden and I have to get up as soon as the alarm rings.  Any unauthorized snoozage will either require a Prince Pass or will trigger an automatic fine.  

This is going to be interesting.


  1. must admit that i too am guilty of snooze button abuse and will cease at once in solidarity.the boys will probably stop being pains in arse too so added benifit. Good luck for rest of week lots love xxxxx

  2. Day 1 of no snooze button - man, this is ROUGH!! And what on earth am I doing up at 7am on a Saturday morning anyway? The cats are doing their best to appear awake but I know (at least Dylan) is totally faking it. Izzie had a hard night partying with the Potato Head Gang, so he's still completely out for the count...

  3. would you like me to send you eren?! gaurenteed to get you up at the crack of dawn and snooze button compliant... i.e. no way can you do it!!! but yes you are slacking!!!! up and at em sis dont forget you seeing me soon.... another 10 weeks for me too.... dont let me beat you!!! love you xxxxx
