Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 28: Ch-Ch-Chickpea Chili 
Mr Carbquick was right.  There really were too many tins of Amy's Chili still lurking in my cupboard - exactly the same number, if we're being honest, as there were at the start of KSCC.  So, with 2 days to go, it was time to take corrective action.  Cue tin decimation nation!!  With one fell swoop, a tin of Amy's Chili, some chopped tomatoes and a tin of chickpeas were scooped out of the cupboard and dumped into a big saucepan to get acquainted and, frankly, a little saucy.  Served with a big helping of brown rice and draped with a little left-over cheese from last week's HBA meeting and - Bob's your uncle - supper's ready!

Day 24: Chickadee Chicky Pea Chili
Ingredients: tin of Amy's chili, chickpeas, chopped tomatoes, pinch of oregano and italian herbs.  served over brown rice with strips of jalapeno cheese.  Here are the scores on the (mildly depleted) cupboard doors:
DoD: 1 (as easy as finding the tin opener and boiling a pot of rice)
II: 2 (it was a tough decision - chick peas or pinto beans?  chick peas finally won out with their onomatopoeic advantage)
PfBF: 2 (not so much barf potential as *parp*potential)
Overall assessment: more satisfying for the gaps it created in my store cupboard than the dish itself, but it wasn't too bad.  Glad I probably dont have to make it again, though....


  1. chickpeas and chilli brave girl!t hink the boys will have something to say about that tonight.i made kidney bean chickpea and cabbage soup today could that be one of the reasons i am still living on my own?well done you for culling some tins and it looked tasty with real it has"nt been frozen could transfer a couple of tins to your emergency earthquake store xxx store.lots love read you tomorrow

  2. did you know they call chick peas gut gaz in turkey cos of their fabulous flatulence effects?! very crative soopy well done!! and give my regards to mr carbquick, sounds like a decent sort! love you!!! xxx
