Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Its all about the Long Game...
As you might expect, at this stage of the game, not too much drama today.  Lunch was Random Cupboard Chicken Stew which was still jolly tasty, supplemented with some Jelly Babies and a granola bar.  So far, so non-freaky.

For supper, I decided to go safe and - seeing as i've already had one digestible meal today - to freeze the remaining stew for future suppers, when i'm utterly desperate for something that tastes half decent and doesnt take the weekend to make.  So tonight's edible adventure is somewhat tame, culled from the already almost empty shelves of my fridge (umm...WHY did i not go stock up before i started this ridiculous challenge??  Call yourself a Strategic Planner??!!).  The only sense of adventure tonight comes from the vague curly-ness of the sunflower seed bread (perhaps its searching for sunlight?) and the dubious timestamp of the mayonnaise.

The fermented bananas in the fruit bowl i'm saving for tomorrow's breakfast smoothie.

Day 2 supper Open Eggy Faced Fiesta
Ingredients: 2 hard boiled eggs (in date - yey!), 2 slices of sunflower seed bread (indeterminate age), a schmear of cream cheese, Heinz Salad Cream mixed with a little Dijon mustard, fresh heirloom tomatoes, bibb lettuce, finished with a couple drops of olive oil and seasoning.  Here are the scores on the (fridge) doors:
DoD = 1
II = 1
PrBF (taste) = 1 
Overall assessment: Pretty damn tasty.  Salad cream and Dijon work well together.  And - in a shock to precisely no-one - stale sunflower seed bread completely indistinguishable from fresh sunflower seed bread.

1 comment:

  1. its a masterpiece of a sandwich!!! it looks so yummy maybe you should take up professional photography along with your travel book too!! your so good at both and you can do your own marketing campaign!!!!love you xxxxxxxxx
