Saturday, July 28, 2012

Day 19: All in a felafel
So, back from NYC, completely knackered, and feeling a bit weird.  I think sometimes i underestimate the impact that travel has on you, especially the quick trips and 3hr time zone difference.  You get up at 6.30am to get into the office by 8am - but your body is still completely set on Pacific Coast Time.  Its no wonder you feel like a complete zombie for the first half of the day until the caffeine kicks in.  Its probably amazing we manage to get any work done at all.

The preps for the pitch i'm currently working on are coming along, but I'm pretty much stuck working all day, on a Saturday, before I have to turn round and go straight back to NYC tomorrow.  Next week is going to be absolutely brutal.  However, no matter how busy I get, there is ALWAYS time for Kitchen Store Cupboard Challenge.  So, to today's culinary cliffhanger.   After the success of Loopy's Luscious Lentil Burgers, I thought i'd try another bean-y pulse-y thingy and have a crack at making felafel.  Loopy had given me another recipe to try and - amazingly - it was completely KSCC-compliant, as well as being super quick and easy to make.  I couldnt be arsed to go shopping and buy the fresh stuff I'd need for the accompanying carrot salad she'd described, so instead I'd be having felafel salad to accompany the felafel.   Anyway, I finally got to use that tin of chickpeas that have accompanied me on 4 house moves (it was a bit sad, actually, saying goodbye as i dumped them into the food processor and flipped the switch to mince them into a million pieces - i think i may have heard a small apple core-like squeal of distress as I did so...) and chucked in a load of other stuff, including cumin, coriander, parsely, breadcrumbs, and garlic.  I think it turned out a bit soggier than it should but i managed to still form them into patties and fry them up OK.  They were less felafel ball-like and more splat-like, but for my first time making these little suckers, an admirable effort, I think.  Here are the stores on the (slowly emptying) store cupboard doors:

Day 19: Felafel Splat Patties
Ingredients: as above
DoD: 2 (whizz it up in the processor but skillful splattage formation and frying required)
II: 1 (Loopy told me to make these, so i was simply following orders, guv'nor)
PfBF: 3  (not necessarily barf-worthy, but curiously bland and didnt really taste of much)

Overall assessment: I dont know whether it was because i forgot to add seasoning but - despite looking the part - unfortunately, they were rather underwhelming in the tastiness index. But, they were quick, free and gave me a well-needed break from work, so it was worth the effort.  

And its back to NYC again tomorrow. *sigh*

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