Day 15: Toast-tastic! Crumbs and cricket on a glorious Sunday morning
It was no good. I just couldn't hold out any longer. I had to have some bread. More specifically, hot, buttery toast. I blame the jar of honey I'd bought yesterday at Bee Class for seeding the idea into my head - and now i'd woken up with a full-on craving for the good stuff. However, being now precisely half way through (*cheers from the crowd*) Kitchen Store Cupboard Challenge, if i wanted bread, I was going to have to make it myself.
And so I did. I managed to find a recipe for a basic white loaf that didnt require any eggs - just flour, dried yeast, butter, sugar, water and salt, dug out the old mixer from the pantry and went for it! Well, I mean i mixed everything together how I was told and then let the dough hook do all the heavy lifting, but even still. Pretty damned adventurous for 10.30am on a Sunday morning. Not sure what it was about the act of bread-making, but i then felt compelled to turn on Radio 4 for a British accented conversational backdrop. I got somewhat more Britishness than I'd bargained for, however, as there is obviously a Test Match on between England and South Africa and i was greeted by the unmistakable blend of exquisite dullness and complete unfathomability that only cricketing commentary can provide. I challenge any of my American readers to listen to the cricket for 10 minutes and have a clue what they are talking about. Or even to make it through 10 mins without running screaming from the room in abject terror. But, I simply made another cup of tea, stiffened my upper lip a little more, kept calm and carried on.
In the end, my bread turned out right champion (uh-oh, blogging in a Yorkshire accent - damned cricket!) and I proceeded to demolish several slices of it, still warm from the oven, and slathered in the finest organic, raw honey from Ariadne's hives. It was absolutely delicious. So much so that I ended up having to slice it all up and stick it in the freezer, otherwise I could very well have seen myself chomping my way through at least one of the golden brown hunks from heaven. So, huzzah - just in the nick of time, as my stores of Kashi Puffed Wheat are getting dangerously depleted, we now have another breakfast option!! Nigella Lawson, eat yer heart out - there's a new Domestic Goddess in town!!
You should read 'Netherland'. All about cricket in the USA!!!