Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This will probably morph into a longer blog post at a later date but, honestly, i just needed to get this off my chest.  I've been traveling constantly now for a good *ahem* 20 years or so, and the absolute stupidity/arrogance of some of my fellow passengers never fails to amaze me.  Today, i got on the plane at SFO, bound for JFK and this hard-nut looking chap comes to sit next to me, and says we have the same seat assigned!  We are both assigned to seat 17E.  Well.   After much tutting and wondering how on earth United could possibly have let this happen (while both of us were secretly hoping to get upgraded to Business), it turns out he does have the correct seat assignment.  On a flight to Chicago.  Not to New York.  Can i hear a collective "DURRRR!!!!!", please?

Anyway, that wasn't the subject of my vent.  Can someone PLEASE explain to me why, especially as we are coming in to land, the moment the fasten seat belt sign comes on, some entitled douche bag gets up and starts fiddling about with the overhead bin.  Or has to go to the restroom.   Literally, our wheels are about to touch the ground and this a-hole suddenly decides he needs to visit the restroom!!!   And doesn't even have the courtesy to look embarrassed about it!  YOU'VE HAD FIVE HOURS, PEOPLE!!!  Why save it up for the last 5 frigging minutes??   The same thing happened when i was on my way to vacation, and we were about to land in Bangkok - the wheels were down, the flight attendants were seated, we were literally 3 minutes from landing and this guy goes to the loo!!   I don't know what is worse - the ignorance and oblivion of folk to common courtesy and due process (there are rules, dammit!) or that i get so damned annoyed by it.  Getting so annoyed is very, um, annoying.

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