Monday, November 17, 2008

Angkor Wattage, Part Deux (50km)
Today was another day to explore the amazing architecture and culture of Angkor Wat. After a fab breakfast, we left Siam Reap by bike to cycle to Kbal Spean (River of the Lingas) where we were to hike to the top of a hill to see some exquisite riverbed carvings. The ride was very nice, at a good pace, through some very pretty countryside. After about 20km we stopped for rest and quick Choco Pie refill before cranking out another 20km. After another quick breather, we cycled the final 10km on some very very dusty roads (hence the surgical masks we’d been given at the start of the ride!) and so got covered with thick layer of red dust! Although the road was pretty even, it was uphill in parts too so ensured we got a good workout!

We arrived at our lunch stop at around 11.30am but no-one was hungry so instead we all trooped up the hill (a 2km hike) to go and see the river bed carvings. I really enjoyed the hike (reminded me of Patagonia) and discovered that I probably hike faster than I cycle!! The carvings were good although maybe a little bit disappointing after the splendour of Angkor Wat, but it was different and good to get some non-cycling muscles working, so enjoyable nonetheless.

Trooping back down the hill, we returned to the restaurant for lunch before heading back to Siam Reap via Banteay Srei temple. Also known (I think) as the temple of the Dancing Ladies, the bas-relief motif carvings were as intricate and impressive as those I saw at Angkor Wat yesterday, so it was a great stop. I also got to indulge in a little surruptious monk stalking, as I tried to get a good picture! Succumbed to the pressure to buy something of one of the gazillions of kids selling stuff so ended up buying a silk scarf off this very persistent girl – I managed to barter her down to $8 and thought I’d done quite well until her mate rushed up, just as I was leaving, and promptly sold me a second one for $5!! Ah well!! Also bought this very cute little elephant carving for $2.

Transfer by bus back to Siam Reap, back mid-afternoon, so enough time to visit the market and do a little more shopping (bought this beautiful purple silk throw for the bed for only $13 plus another elephant that reminded me of the one Mum used to have when I was a kid). Also bought in supplies for the 8hr boat ride tomorrow and picked up my laundry from the lady round the corner (only $4!!). Treated myself to a mint choc chip ice-cream, got some cash out and then had a nice long soak in the bath at the hotel. Bliss, bliss, bliss. In the evening, we all went to a very nice restaurant (felt distinctly scruffy!) and shared some wine with Lenise and Nico – between us we got through 2 bottles and it was still only $13 each!
Left before everyone else to get back to the hotel for my massage appt at 10pm. Despite the fact the hotel was literally 200m from the restaurant, of course I got lost on the way home (turned right instead of left across the bridge). Fortunately I was saved from my own incompetence by this very nice young chap on a moped who gave me a lift back to the hotel! Phew! So made it in time for my massage, which was very good, although lady sounded like she had TB! (so I gave her an extra generous tip just in case she has large medical bills!!). Then just melted into bed ready for the off tomorrow.

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