Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where Do I Belong??!
So its curious. Been here in the UK for 5 days and can honestly say I feel no vestiges of sentimental attachment to old Blighty whatsoever. Usually, when I've come back, I've got a little thrill of "Oh, look! There's Sainsbury's!" or "Wow - a Marks and Spencer!" when walking down the high street, a combo of the buzz of recognition and familiarity with the stupidly mild surprise of them still managing to cling onto business, despite my absence for the last 4 and a half years. This time, nothing. Nada. Even my totemic trip to Marksies to stock up on undies and tights failed to ignite any sparks of homeward longing. It is a bit of a weird feeling - mildly depressing but in a glass half-full way, I guess its liberating too. Its playing into my current mental state of itchyfootedness - the sense that a big change is on its way. Whether its just job or maybe location, who knows, but I guess one of the benefits of being single is that you can do and go wherever the hell you like, so I'm figuring why not?

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