Friday, August 22, 2008

Sick in Madrid
Not wishing to sound all sorry for myself here, but there's nothing worse than being sick whilst you're away. Not only do you feel a bit crap (I've got this stupid hacking, dry cough that as irritating as hell and doesnt show any sign of letting up) but you also feel shite cos of all the other things you could be doing exploring whilst you're laid up!! So I did a bus tour of the major sights this morning (I did one in Singapore last year and it was a great way to see a lot quickly and orientate yourself to the city) but had no energy to get off and explore at any of the stops as I was so exhausted from not having slept properly in days. So, I just stayed on the bus for the circuit then came back to the hotel where I collapsed back into bed for a couple hours sleep. Which is where I am right now. I'd also planned to go to the gym today, but seeing as I can barely brush my hair without breaking into a coughing spasm, its probably not a wise idea. ITS SOO FRUSTRATING!! Am wondering if copious amounts of the local Rioja is the answer....

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