Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 2 in the Big Brother House...
Had a slightly less frenetic day today - the weather was absolutely beautiful, so I tried to focus on just enjoying being out in the sunshine and the surroundings, rather than the reminiscent feeling of being back at school this place is invoking. I think I've figured out that - the bigger the group, the more introverted I become. Unless I'm with friends, of course, but this place just makes me want to find a quiet corner on my own rather than to try and insert myself into already formed cliques and gangs! I think most bonds were forged through beer on the first night, so I kinda missed the boat but thats actually fine by me. I came for the outdoors, the biking and to try the trapeze - all of which I've done, so well done me!!

This morning after breakfast, I went for a walk into town (taking some great pics along the way) then back to camp to sit by the lake and read the paper. I also made a tie-dyed t-shirt!! And it turned out surprisingly well!! (so, I'm a natural at pole dancing and making tie-dye t-shirts but suck at the trapeze - its amazing what you continue to find out about yourself!!) Its interesting watching people here - especially the packs of single women who rove the place looking for fresh male meat to pounce on! Am glad i'm not one of them!! Was a bit of a lazy sod, so instead of the intermediate bike ride (12miles), instead I did the bike and hike in the afternoon - a mere 6 miles with the quickest (and shortest!) hike ever! It was OK - was nice to be outside and moving and to feel as if I'm starting my biking training! First purchase when I get back to Manhattan though is a pair of padded shorts!!

So, its now 4.20pm and I think i'll probably go and chill out by the lake again and read the rest of the paper. And wait til its time to get on the bus back home to NYC tomorrow.

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