Well hello there, blogwatchers! I'm back! Yes, I know, I know - its been waaaay too long and I've neglected you horribly this year. But I've had a good excuse - the best excuse -
all the excuse (to quote The Donald) as I've spent this year falling wonderfully, unexpectedly, completely in love.
Today, we celebrate our first Yearaversary and I don't think a single day has gone by where we haven't made each other laugh or laughed at each other ("where's my sock?!!"). I won't go too squishy and mushy here, but its been an incredible journey so far with my best friend and the love of my life, ManpanionTM.
So to celebrate the occasion, I thought I'd put together a little photo album that will share some of our Best Bits of the last 12 months. These are little snapshots from our time together in Nashville, Vermont, New York, Norway, Tahoe, Florida, Amsterdam and Kansas City as well as here in Chicago and the 'burbs. Next up is St Lucia, Vermont (again) and.... drum roll, please.....the UK over the Christmas holidays. This time, I
promise to be better at documenting our adventures - in the meantime, enjoy!
Our first week together. I couldn't quite believe my luck then
- and I still can't believe my luck today. |
Date night food at Big Star - hmm..... |
Week 2 - Segway'ing with the sis |
My all-time favorite photo. Ever. |
No reason. |
Anyone for a lolly? |
My brilliant, crazy, funny Loopy Lou. Needless to say,
ManpanionTM and her got on like a house on fire.... |
Yep. He's the one for me! |
The Holloway Family circus!! |
Date night at Girl and the Goat, with the best seats
in the house! (and the best view) |
S'matts! |
Meeting the real rulers of the house. Dylan does not look too
impressed. |
First hipster weekend in Wicker Park and the debut
of the Decibel t-shirt |
Happy sigh. I'll never forget when Eren
heard Matt play the guitar for the first time -
his face was priceless |
Week 7: Off to Nashville for our first trip away together! |
Decided to indulge in some fine dining at The Catbird Seat -
the music was rocking and the food was, well, an experience.... |
First course - and i think this was pork fat on toast |
After that, things just got more and more unidentifiable... |
Although I think I recall this was "Hay" soup.
Yep. Soup. Made out of actual hay. |
Nope. No idea. |
Disgusting oyster which, alas, tasted just like an oyster. |
Umm.... |
Who knows what this was. |
At last! Recognizable food!!! Ah, sweet beloved
mushrooms!! How glad we are to see thee!!! |
Pork and ?? |
Ha!! This may look like a potato - but no! I
believe this was actually dessert. (the soil was chocolate
or cocoa something...) |
I give up. Cottage cheese? |
Oh... i remember this. This was an ice-cream
sandwich wrapped in lettuce leaves. We knew then
we had to leave ASAP before our minds were permanently
scarred for ever..... |
Is that champagne on tap? Why yes, I think it is.
Nashville, you rock. |
Dodgy pretzels at the Grand ole Opry |
ManpanionTM looking a bit confused at the river
inside a building |
Elvis lives!! |
hmm..... I think i need to work on my dog impersonation..... |
One of the best evenings of live music ever |
A day at the races with ManpanionTM and a Squid. Lesson for
the day - don't rip up your ticket until you are quite sure your
horse hasn't won! |
New toy - and a car |
Week 9: Vermont!! And some leaves that are possibly thinking
about turning gold/red/orange |
ManpanionTM, meet Maggie |
Chilling by the great fireplace at Shelburne Farms. Life is good. |
Tasting some delish and disgusting ciders at Citizen Cider in
Burlington |
Get yer tasting face on! |
Cheese, bread, wine, maple syrup, a wood-burning
fire, ManpanionTM and a guitar. Heaven. |
Meat sticks!!!! |
No comment. |
d.Mags and friends in New York!! |
Snow White and "Prince Charming" at Halloween
(he was supposed to be one of my seven dwarfs!!) |
CatpanionTM succumbs to the inevitable realization that we are all
just put on this earth to make our cats lives more comfortable |
First Annual Christmaspalooza! And some
very dodgy things going on with sock snowmen... |
Poor Mr Gingerbread.... |
Mumsie was Bingo Caller Extraordinaire - and
provider of an amazing feast!! |
And so.... onto S'norway! |
ManpanionTM and Oscar P.Lion snooze their way across the
Norwegian countryside.... |
He's awake!! A rare sighting.... |
Huddling for warmth in Trondheim |
God. I love this man. |
He was actually frozen into this position. Took me 40mins and
three hairdryers to set him free. |
Is that a coaster or a delicious biscuit? |
You can't take these two anywhere. On the razz
on NYE in Tromso! |
Ice, ice, baby. |
6-monthaversary! |
Tally-ho, Tahoe!!! |
Little Sarah and big trouble! |
Spot the crap skier in the group.... |
ManpanionTM not quite realizing the limits of
what you are supposed to eat with a fondue |
I think there was rumored to have been cheese in
the bag. Totally fair, in my opinion. |
Good times, amazing scenery, great friends. |
Don't even ask. |
Not sure if this is helping me pick out a new bathroom or not |
Oh dear. |
On our way to Florida to see the folks! |
Always make sure your sock monkeys are safely secured and
buckled in |
ManpanionTM and The Squids.
A dodgy looking bunch, if you ask me.
(and speed limit of "24mph"???) |
Sock monkey drama en route to the airport |
"Help!" ManpanionTM narrowly escaping the
Trump-sized clutches of Sue the T.Rex |
ManpanionTM seeks man-bun advice at the Terracotta warriors
exhibit at the Field Museum |
Dancing the night away at the Legacy Guild fundraising event |
Reunited for a whirlwind weekend in Amsterdam! |
The worlds BEST fries. |
Getting to grips with an extremely temperamental -
if ultimately loveable - door to our apartment
in Amsterdam |
Dinner at probably The Most Romantic restaurant
in the entire city. Beautiful. |
Back in Chicago, and a night out with my deer. |
I'm fresh off the plane back from a trip to Japan - 6hrs later its
Open Mike Night in La Grange with ManpanionTM and friends! |
He's packing some serious Bunnies |
HandpanionTM and brunch in Chicago. |
Ahh...the good life. A roaring fire, a big glass of chilled white
and working our way through the Beatles catalog... |
Birthday brunch in San Francisco! |
PastapanionTM and his amazingly long arms.
Tasted surprisingly good!! |
The Squids try to make a run for it, en route to
Kansas City for July 4th weekend. |
Setting up for July 4th fireworks.
Remember - safety first!! |
Bashing round noisy things with sticks! |
Early morning at the campsite we off-roaded
the Winnebago to find! |
Ironic drinks at Trump Tower. Guess the tiny-fingered,
cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon probably
got the last laugh after all.... |
Despite that, the view was magnificent. |
HippypanionTM - just chillin' at Chillfest.
Peter F*cking Frampton!!! |
Arriving in KC - Manpanion, the Squids and a giant f*ck-off
Winnebago called Minnie. |
Says it all really. And thats why i love him. |
Here's to many more crazy ass adventures and a lifetime of
happiness together.,,,, |