So...better late than never but, Loopy, this blog post is for you! Way back in August, the gang (minus Thomas unfortunately) made their inaugural visit to the Windy City for three whole weeks! I finally got around to going through all the pictures from the Royal Visit so thought it would be fun to share them with you. I know, I know - i probably should have blogged each big event as it happened - but I was too busy having fun with the family! I hope you enjoy the piccies - Mumsie is back in Chicago for her annual Holiday Visit, so my TV is now permanently tuned to the Hallmark Channel and my house already smells like Christmas baking. Is it time to put the decorations up yet?
Day 0 - Arrival day!!
They're herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre!! My favorite type of airport
visit - the times when you are there to meet those you love |
"So...yes,,,just bring me back a bit of Cadbury's, please"
Mumsie overachieves and I consider opening up a British sweet shop |
Loopy and Eren soon get the hang of dressing
appropriately for a Chicago summer. |
Day 1: First day out in the city - discovery of the local park for Eren to run around in, Starbucks, Jewel Osco and the pet store. Topped off with a little light drizzle and its the simple things in life that give the most pleasure....
"What IS all that wet stuff falling from the sky?!"
Loopy gets overly excited by her first sniff
of rain for months.... |
Its all going down in the Holloway Cat Household.
Dylan sure knows how to party. |
Nope. Crickets. There ain't nuthin' going on up top there, Dylan.... |
Day 4: Night-time cruise on the lake with firework extravaganza!
One of our first evening's out together - on Weds and Saturday nights through the summer, there is a free firework show at Navy Pier. I'd booked tickets for Loopy, Eren and I to take one of the many river/lakefront cruises so that we could go out onto the lake and have a fabulous, show-stopping view. It was also the first time for Loopy and Eren to see the city all lit up at night, and enjoy the ride on the boat, especially going through the locks heading out of the river into the lake. It was a brilliant evening - the people-watching on the boat was a lot of fun and the fireworks were spectacular. I think it was probably one of the best firework shows I've ever seen - so, blogwatchers, if you ever find yourself in Chicago over the summer, then you MUST go!!
First trip out - an evening cruise out on the lake to
see the fireworks! A classic summertime night out
in Chicago. |
Eren enjoys a massive vat of choccy ice-cream almost as big as
his head from Ghirardelli's. He may have had a little help from
Aunty Soopy..... |
The view from the quay of everyone's favorite
presidential candidate's addition to the
Chicago city skyline... |
Loopy Lou and Eren |
Proud Auntie. Cheesy grinny nephew. |
The spectacular, and only slightly blurry, Chicago city skyline. |
Fantastic fireworks - love this town! |
Sideshow Bob-tastic |
ooOOOooooo.......aaaaahhhhhhh |
Day 6: Chicago Water and Air Show
The gang certainly picked a good time of year to come and visit. Chicago is absolutely packed
full of stuff to do in the summer - when our weather is as crap as it is for 5 or 6 months out of the year, you cram as much as you can into the oh-too-short summer months! This is obviously my first summer in the city proper, so it meant a lot of the adventures we had together I was able to share for the first time too. The Air and Water show is one of the biggest events of the summer and runs Saturday and Sunday on North Beach, down along the lakefront (where I used to run). It gets really
really busy with I think around a million people or so in attendance over the weekend. However, I'd got the inside scoop from a born-and-bred Chicagoan friend (thanks, Bill!) that the best time to see the show was actually to go during the last dress rehearsal on the Friday afternoon. You still get to see some of the star performers but without having to battle and slog your way through the monster crowds! Sounded good to me, so Loopy, Eren and I trooped off down to the beach around Friday lunchtime to go check out the scene (burning our feet on the sand cos it was so hot!). Though we only stayed for an hour or so, it was a lot of fun and Eren loved seeing (and waving at!) all the different types of planes and helicopters.
Eren gets very excited with all the planes - but doesn't
forget his manners and makes sure to greet each one
with a friendly wave! |
And discovers that these planes are LOUD!!!! |
After the Air Show, then we headed off to Navy Pier as I'd bought us all tickets for the Sea Dog Experience - a speed boat trip on the lake! It was great fun - the speed boat wasn't the bonkers nutcase-pelt-along-at-full-Top-Gear-speed-with-donuts experience (that was Sea Dog
Extreme) but we still managed to go a fair cheek-flapping clip. The ride was about a half hour or so and a quick there and back on the lake, but it was fun to see the city again from the water, this time in daylight.
The famous (and now, sadly dismantled) Ferris
Wheel at Navy Pier |
Eren takes his first ever spin on a carousel |
After the carousel, its time to go nuts on the Speed Dog for a high
speed whizz round the lake! Just love Eren's face in this pic! |
Day 7: Brunch-tastic!
First full weekend with the folks and it was time to expose Loopy and Eren to a Full-On Brunch, Chicago-style, so i took them to a local place in Wicker Park that I knew would be good (and that might have something that Mr.Fussy Pants Eren would actually eat!). I'm not entirely sure we quite had enough food (you can see still some of the table underneath the groaning platters) but we gave it our best effort.
Its brunch time! Mumsie meets her pancake nemesis at a local
brunch spot in Wicker Park |
Not quite sure there is enough food on this table. Eren is like
" expect me to eat all this??" |
A feeble effort from Mumsie leaves the pancake triumphant and
Mumsie defeated. |
The Evil Banana Nut Pancake stack
claims another hapless victim |
Day 8: Here Comes The Train!
OK, now this was genuinely adorable. Eren loves trains. But until our day trip to Evanston, he's never actually seen one for real, let alone ride in one. We took care of that on Sunday, when we caught the Metra blue line from Wicker Park and rode out to the 'burbs. Eren was just soooo excited and his little face when he caught his first glimpse of the train down the tracks, approaching the station, was brilliant! Eren, of course, very soon after realized that trains were perhaps a bit louder than he was expecting! Getting on the train was very exciting, as was watching the scenery speed by - his enthusiasm was infectious and you could see everyone in the same car as we were in smile to themselves in response to his innocent joyousness. It was just lovely. A reminder to us all that it really is the simple things in life that often offer the greatest pleasures.
That, plus a Metra train that's
actually running on time for once. Absolutely priceless.
Here comes the train!!! Eren comes face to face
with his first train encounter!! |
And discovers a common theme with planes! These
things are LOUD!! |
It was all VERY exciting. Eren charmed the pants
off everyone else on the train. |
No trip to Evanston would be complete without a trip
to the pie shop, under my old apt building. Loopy
overachieves on the LMP stakes. Bloody gorgeous! |
In the charity shop down the road, we lost Eren for
a bit - but came across this fetching life-sized garden
gnome instead. Tres festive. |
Day 13ish: I did it Segwaaaaaaay!
Oh yeah. Segway, baby! I bloody love those things. Even if I say so myself, I am a bit of a Segway connoisseur, having earned my PhD in Segway Navigation following a particularly technical and challenging Seggers through Golden Gate park while I was still living in San Francisco a couple of years ago. I shit thee not. The diploma is proudly on display, pinned up in my office.
OK, OK, so I know. Segways do NOT look cool. In fact, yes, I'd go as far as to say that you know that you will look like a complete tit when you are on a Segway - not helped by the ridiculously pointy and unattractive crash helmets you are forced to wear (though Loopy did try styling hers in a rather unique, arse-backwards kinda way). HOWEVER, that being said - the minute after you get on a Segway and learn that a) they are p*ss easy to drive and b) you're not going to fall off (unless you are called Matt and no-one happens to be looking at the time), then you instantly don't give a crap because Segways are THE MOST fun you can legally have under 15 mph! They are a hoot. So much so that pretty much everyone who has ever been on a Segway is guaranteed, about 30mins into their Seggy experience, to utter the words "I want one of these!!". Suddenly walking seems so....well... pedestrian.
The tour itself was brilliant - it lasted a good couple of hours and we covered a lot of ground, starting downtown by the river and motoring all over downtown, via the Adler, the Field Museum, Buckingham Fountains, the Bean and loads of other places in between. Yet again, the weather was glorious, so it was a perfect day for Segging. If you ever get a chance to do it when you are in Chicago, you must! It was a great morning out!
Oh? What's that, you say? Who's that rather dashing chap accompanying me and Loopy? Well, I had three tickets and, as Thomas wasn't able to join us, I had one free. I couldn't let it go to waste, now, could I? So I invited a special guest to join us....and, bless his heart, he was totally game. A brave, brave man indeed.....
Special mystery guest and Loopy. |
Loopy and Segway in perfect harmony! |
See that professional style lean? Loopy becomes
a certified Seggers expert in less than 3 minutes.
Feel the burrrrrrrn!! |
Group shot! All still smiling. No casualties yet! |
Loopy adopts the Go Faster Pose. |
OK.OK. Busted. The Special Guest is my new
chap, Matt. I just love this picture. |
Still surviving! Still smiling!! |
Couldn't resist getting a Little Cheeky. |
Loopy, Matt and their dodgy lollies.
Pervs, both of them. |
I really must book that appointment
at the beautician's office |
Day 13ish: A night at the movies at Ravinia
A double-header for me today - Segway in the morning with Loopy and Matt, then off to Ravinia, the outdoor concert venue, in the evening with Mumsie to go and watch the Chicago Symphony Orchestra playing the Star Trek score to accompany a screening of the film. It was simply incredible - listening to the music being played live while watching the action on the big screen was just so exciting. I think i'm now completely spoiled and will demand to watch all my future Summer Blockbusters with a full orchestra in attendance. Nothing Less Will Do, Dammit. Of course, being a bit Trekkie, the evening also made for some fun people-watching. Mumsie got to play with a Phaser and a Stun Gun (steady) and I discovered an alternate use for a Tribble. Just another regular Sunday night in the 'burbs.
Day 14 (ish): Off to the Circus!
What a night out this was! At the last minute, I'd booked us to go and see the new Cirque Du Soleil show in the city - called Kurios. The only other time I'd been to a Cirque show was when I was still living in NYC and I'd been really disappointed - so much so, I'd left at half-time! I don't know what it was about that show, but I'd been put off ever since, so hadn't made any effort to go see anymore. But, Loopy had seen an ad for the show and was excited by the prospect, so I thought sod it, lets give it a go!
Methinks Loopy is a tad excited.... |
O. M. G. It was absolutely amazing. Spectacular. Probably one of the most impressive visual spectacles and physical performances (steady!) I'd ever seen. Its impossible to try and describe it - but it was suitably weird and kooky, with a mechanical, steam punk theme that generated some incredible costumes. It was one of those experiences that united everyone watching in a collective experience of "how the hell did they do that?" or "oh my god, look at the muscles on him!", putting incredulous smiles on faces and a heartfelt promise to oneself to Definitely Get Back in The Gym on Monday.
One part of the evening that wasn't expected was that, just before the half-time interval, the show was temporarily halted for 20mins or so due to an intense storm and lightening overhead, such that it wasn't safe for the performers to be up in the gods, in the peaks of the tents! We weren't sure initially if this was part of the act or not, but it became apparent that it wasn't. Fortunately the storm passed such that the show could go on - it would have been a complete bummer if it had been canceled!
Yep. That's my man. Phwoarr. |
Selfie at the circus! Not sure if Loopy's slushie brain freeze
had set in at this point, but that's the only acceptable excuse for
her expression... |
General awesome weirdness |
How did this random date night photo sneak in here?
Kitchen-side seats at Girl & The Goat. Bonza. |
Day 15-ish: The Day of The Helicopter.
Loopy - has Eren stopped pointing at helicopters yet and shouting "helicopter!"?
Yet another highlight among highlights - Loopy, Eren and I took a surprise city skyline tour in a helicopter. The total flight time was only about 15 mins or so, but the overall experience was a ton of fun - waiting in the "departure lounge", it was really exciting for Eren to watch the helicopters take off and land. It was the first time for Loopy in a helicopter too, so it was a great experience to share with both of them! Yey!
Eren bags the co-pilot seat! |
Fab views of the skyline below |
Signing the wall afterwards to say thank you! |
We survived! |
Random picture of us at the Blue Man Group show! |
Day 16 (ish): The Night of the S'Matts
OK. Forget S'mores. There's a new chocolate marshmallow treat in town.
It's called a S'matt and it will totally change for EVAH how you think about setting fire to sugary treats over gas firepits.
Just be careful not to melt anything else by accident.
Day 18 (ish): The Museum of Science and Industry
And then, way too soon, the Family Visit was drawing to a close. There was time for one last visit to Navy Pier to have another spin on the carousel and the other rides, followed by an expedition of quite epic proportions in the local SuperTarget. And then, before I knew it, we were back at the airport saying our goodbyes and trying not to cry. It was such a spectacular visit and I loved every single last minute of it. All I have left to say is....... ROLL ON SUMMER 2016!!!
As the family visit started to draw to a close, it was time for another
quick trip to Navy Pier! Eren and I work on perfecting the art of the
On Horse In Motion Selfie. |
Spinning the Wheel. Last go round before the original Ferris
wheel is dismantled and replaced with a bigger, newer
shinier version. Bit sad, really. |
We all collectively sucked at crazy golf. Only managed
to lose 2 of or 4 balls, though, so thats a result in my book. |
And, of course, we finished the day by trying to scare
the pants off Eren. |
I think its working... |
Though he could be faking that abject terror... |
Loopy expertly glides one in (oo-er). THE BOAT, THE BOAT!!!
Geez. |
And if Eren hasn't already charmed you into submission,
here's one final shot. Totes adorbs. |