(Pole) Dancing Queen
Interesting. So it turns out that I am a million times better on the pole than on the trapeze!! So after lunch, was time to trek over to the trapeze nets where we all got harnessed up and given a quick tutorial on what to do (hands wide, hips forward then a little hop jump off the platform). I was actually quite nervous and the really really wobbly ladder on the way up to the (very) high platform didnt help matters! (at this stage, i was totally regretting the second helping at lunch!). One of the teachers gave a demo of what we were supposed to do - easy! Looked dead straightforward - no problem! Wow. Nope. Discovered after I launched myself off the platform and discovered i'd instantly transformed into a dead weight, that i am NOT a natural trapeze artiste!! BUT i did it! Just the once and have no real desire to do it again, but one more to tick off the list! I just couldnt get my legs up and hooked over the bar, so just ended up swinging in the air! Made a half-hearted attempt at a backflip but then just let go to bounce into the safety net below. Actually getting off the bloody thing was hard work too! So decided to quit whilst I was ahead (probably a good call too - one woman earlier in the morning pulled her shoulder really badly and ended up in hospital) and head off early to pole-dancing class.
Oh my God - what a riot!! It was absolutely hilarious and great fun! The woman teaching it was completely awesome and, for the first 40ins, was teaching us all these sexy moves, without the pole. It was really quite bizarre, to be a room with 24 other women, all complete strangers, and being encouraged to dance sexy, toss your hair and basically do whatever felt good! But after a few minutes of feeling self-conscious, you got into it and just enjoyed the feeling of your body moving to the music and doing what felt good. We didnt get long on the pole - just one twizzle each, but it was so much fun, I think i may have found myself a new hobby when I get back to Manhattan! A bloody good workout too - after all the day's activities, I'm completely exhausted! Is half 4 now, so I think i'm going to wander down to the water's edge and chill out for a bit - there's a open grill at 5.30pm which, apparently, is a better option than dinner!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Day 2 in the Big Brother House...
Had a slightly less frenetic day today - the weather was absolutely beautiful, so I tried to focus on just enjoying being out in the sunshine and the surroundings, rather than the reminiscent feeling of being back at school this place is invoking. I think I've figured out that - the bigger the group, the more introverted I become. Unless I'm with friends, of course, but this place just makes me want to find a quiet corner on my own rather than to try and insert myself into already formed cliques and gangs! I think most bonds were forged through beer on the first night, so I kinda missed the boat but thats actually fine by me. I came for the outdoors, the biking and to try the trapeze - all of which I've done, so well done me!!
This morning after breakfast, I went for a walk into town (taking some great pics along the way) then back to camp to sit by the lake and read the paper. I also made a tie-dyed t-shirt!! And it turned out surprisingly well!! (so, I'm a natural at pole dancing and making tie-dye t-shirts but suck at the trapeze - its amazing what you continue to find out about yourself!!) Its interesting watching people here - especially the packs of single women who rove the place looking for fresh male meat to pounce on! Am glad i'm not one of them!! Was a bit of a lazy sod, so instead of the intermediate bike ride (12miles), instead I did the bike and hike in the afternoon - a mere 6 miles with the quickest (and shortest!) hike ever! It was OK - was nice to be outside and moving and to feel as if I'm starting my biking training! First purchase when I get back to Manhattan though is a pair of padded shorts!!
So, its now 4.20pm and I think i'll probably go and chill out by the lake again and read the rest of the paper. And wait til its time to get on the bus back home to NYC tomorrow.
Had a slightly less frenetic day today - the weather was absolutely beautiful, so I tried to focus on just enjoying being out in the sunshine and the surroundings, rather than the reminiscent feeling of being back at school this place is invoking. I think I've figured out that - the bigger the group, the more introverted I become. Unless I'm with friends, of course, but this place just makes me want to find a quiet corner on my own rather than to try and insert myself into already formed cliques and gangs! I think most bonds were forged through beer on the first night, so I kinda missed the boat but thats actually fine by me. I came for the outdoors, the biking and to try the trapeze - all of which I've done, so well done me!!
This morning after breakfast, I went for a walk into town (taking some great pics along the way) then back to camp to sit by the lake and read the paper. I also made a tie-dyed t-shirt!! And it turned out surprisingly well!! (so, I'm a natural at pole dancing and making tie-dye t-shirts but suck at the trapeze - its amazing what you continue to find out about yourself!!) Its interesting watching people here - especially the packs of single women who rove the place looking for fresh male meat to pounce on! Am glad i'm not one of them!! Was a bit of a lazy sod, so instead of the intermediate bike ride (12miles), instead I did the bike and hike in the afternoon - a mere 6 miles with the quickest (and shortest!) hike ever! It was OK - was nice to be outside and moving and to feel as if I'm starting my biking training! First purchase when I get back to Manhattan though is a pair of padded shorts!!
So, its now 4.20pm and I think i'll probably go and chill out by the lake again and read the rest of the paper. And wait til its time to get on the bus back home to NYC tomorrow.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I've got to admit its getting better...
A little better, all the time. OK - so after an inauspicious start, things have improved at Club Getaway - coped with all the craziness last night by hiding out in Moose Lodge and watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report before heading off to bed at midnight. Got up relatively early this morning at 7.30am (one of my roommates spent AGES in the frigging bathroom ironing her hair for 20mins!) for breakfast coffee and the early morning hike at 8am. Was bloody slippy cos was over roots and rocks, up the hill, but the view from the lookout at the top was worth the climb as it gave a great view across the whole camp. Scampered back down, had breakfast (which was great - nice clean oatmeal with fresh fruit) then off for a 6mile road bike ride at 10am. Figured I'd better start somewhere! All was going well until PFIZZTT!! after only 20mins and i got a flat! Had to stand round waiting for about 20mins til they brought a new bike for me, but eventually got underway again and was a fun ride (not too many hills!). Got back to camp around 11.30am, so grabbed a coffee and then went and did Randy's Ab lab class. OUCH! He's this 6'3' black adonis of a guy with the most chiselled and defined abs I've ever seen and he was great fun! Then time for lunch (again, great healthy options) and a spot of blogging before my next set of activities - trapeze at 2pm followed by pole dancing for ladies at 3pm! Bring it on!!
A little better, all the time. OK - so after an inauspicious start, things have improved at Club Getaway - coped with all the craziness last night by hiding out in Moose Lodge and watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report before heading off to bed at midnight. Got up relatively early this morning at 7.30am (one of my roommates spent AGES in the frigging bathroom ironing her hair for 20mins!) for breakfast coffee and the early morning hike at 8am. Was bloody slippy cos was over roots and rocks, up the hill, but the view from the lookout at the top was worth the climb as it gave a great view across the whole camp. Scampered back down, had breakfast (which was great - nice clean oatmeal with fresh fruit) then off for a 6mile road bike ride at 10am. Figured I'd better start somewhere! All was going well until PFIZZTT!! after only 20mins and i got a flat! Had to stand round waiting for about 20mins til they brought a new bike for me, but eventually got underway again and was a fun ride (not too many hills!). Got back to camp around 11.30am, so grabbed a coffee and then went and did Randy's Ab lab class. OUCH! He's this 6'3' black adonis of a guy with the most chiselled and defined abs I've ever seen and he was great fun! Then time for lunch (again, great healthy options) and a spot of blogging before my next set of activities - trapeze at 2pm followed by pole dancing for ladies at 3pm! Bring it on!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
I want to getaway....
from Club Getaway!!! Oh dear. Today is the proof that not all spur-of-the-moment decisions are good decisions!! So am here in the TV room of Club Getaway and wondering if I'm going to be able to cope with all the idiots all weekend. Basically didnt realise that I'd signed myself up to a 3 day frat party!! Not sure if I was being a little naive, but i was really focusing on all the great outdoorsy-type activities and really hadnt given too much thought to the fact that I'd be surrounded by 500 or so people drinking themselves into a stupor. Its only the first night and maybe I should give it a bit longer but if I could jump into a car and drive home tonight, I would. Perhaps things will improve tomorrow once i've met some more people perhaps to hang out with but, unless you're completely hammered tonight, i feel like i've turned up at a party i've not been invited to! Ah well...
from Club Getaway!!! Oh dear. Today is the proof that not all spur-of-the-moment decisions are good decisions!! So am here in the TV room of Club Getaway and wondering if I'm going to be able to cope with all the idiots all weekend. Basically didnt realise that I'd signed myself up to a 3 day frat party!! Not sure if I was being a little naive, but i was really focusing on all the great outdoorsy-type activities and really hadnt given too much thought to the fact that I'd be surrounded by 500 or so people drinking themselves into a stupor. Its only the first night and maybe I should give it a bit longer but if I could jump into a car and drive home tonight, I would. Perhaps things will improve tomorrow once i've met some more people perhaps to hang out with but, unless you're completely hammered tonight, i feel like i've turned up at a party i've not been invited to! Ah well...
I've seen Dan Smith!!
He exists!! Yes, THAT Dan Smith! Of the "I will teach you how to play guitar" flyer fame - he was putting up a flyer in my local hardware store!! This posting will only really mean something if you live in New York where Dan Smith will not only teach you guitar, he can also teach you a considerable amount about how to put up flyers!!!
He exists!! Yes, THAT Dan Smith! Of the "I will teach you how to play guitar" flyer fame - he was putting up a flyer in my local hardware store!! This posting will only really mean something if you live in New York where Dan Smith will not only teach you guitar, he can also teach you a considerable amount about how to put up flyers!!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back in the Big Apple!
I love to travel. But I also love the feeling of coming home too. So had a safe and uneventful journey back from Madrid today and have come back to an absolutely glorious sunny afternoon in Manhattan. The perfect welcome home. The boys were very glad to see me and haven't stopped following me around the apartment yet! They do seem to have shed about 3 times their collective bodyweight in fur since I've been away, though, so I'm off out to do some food shopping and stock up on sticky rollers!
Am actually really excited to be back as the rest of this year has some very cool things lined up for me. This weekend there's my crazy summer camp. Then my meeting in Athens and seeing my folks in Cyprus in 3 weeks time followed by my cycling adventure in Asia in November. Also really looking forward to starting training with Lacey next week at this fancy pants new place plus also my crazy notion of starting a band! I'm really looking forward to getting into serious training for my cycling holiday and taking my fitness to another level. As Lacey would say, BRING IT ON!!!! Then, to cap it off, Mum should hopefully be coming over to spend Christmas with me here! A perfect way to end 2008!
OK - back to the present - there's shopping, cleaning and laundry to be done!!!
Monday, August 25, 2008

Just got in from a great last evening out in Madrid with Conor and Nicole - amazingly have managed to resist the lure of the rooftop bar tonight and so am writing this at the very early hour of half 11, when most Madrilenos are still just going out to eat!! So we met at 8pm and decided to retrace our steps back to the area we went to on Friday night. After a false start (caused by a complete collective failure to read the map correctly!), we headed off in the right direction and had a very pleasant stroll through town, enjoying such sights as the Museum de Jamon (brilliantly marketed Ham shop) plus the magnificent Plaza Major,very reminiscent of St Mark's Square in Venice.
After managing to find the right road (and confirming the waitress from Friday night wasnt fibbing as Casa Lucio was indeed closed!), we were all being a bit crap at deciding where to go for dinner so, in the end, the matter was settled in the time-old fashion of tossing a coin! Ended up in this place just across the road from Taberna de los Lucio, of fried eggs and chips fame from before. There we encountered a quite arsey waitress who was nonchalantly non-helpful (any requests were mildly considered and then simply declined with a "no"). We also encountered yet more of the strange fashion of the moment of women in men's shirts - this time, an utter classic in which the woman's arse appearing to be trying to eat said shirt. It was really quite a sight to behold. Had a great dinner with lots of entertaining banter with quote of the night coming from me in describing the big fat grapes that had come with the cheese as "grapey globs of goodness". Still dont quite understand why Nicole and Conor found it so funny! After dinner, wandered back via the Plaza Major again, stopping to buy a tub of ice-cream on the way. So, now have to start my packing ready to leave the hotel bright and early tomorrow - fingers crossed for a safe and uneventful flight!!
Yey! Off to Adult Summer Camp!
Question: What do you do with a completely free holiday weekend when you don't want to be stuck in the city on your tod feeling like Billy-No-Mates cos all your friends are somewhere else?
Answer: Book yourself into an adult summer camp!!
So I made the "what the hell" decision to go off on Friday to Club Getaway for the Labor Day weekend (hopefully I wont be too jetlagged by then). I booked on a whim as I got sent it through the Event Me emailing list and its basically like a Butlins for adults! Its based in the Berkshire Mountains in Conneticut and there's a bus that leaves from Manhattan. It sound all good, clean fun - lots of outdoorsy type activities (gotta start my cycling training in earnest when i get back!) PLUS you can also have trapeze lessons! (which has been on my list for ages!). It looks fairly basic on the website but I figured a great way to get outdoors, get active and hopefully meet some new & fun people. Hopefully I don't get roomed with someone who snores heavily but, after 9 months of dating Sam, at least I know which earplugs to buy!
Question: What do you do with a completely free holiday weekend when you don't want to be stuck in the city on your tod feeling like Billy-No-Mates cos all your friends are somewhere else?
Answer: Book yourself into an adult summer camp!!
So I made the "what the hell" decision to go off on Friday to Club Getaway for the Labor Day weekend (hopefully I wont be too jetlagged by then). I booked on a whim as I got sent it through the Event Me emailing list and its basically like a Butlins for adults! Its based in the Berkshire Mountains in Conneticut and there's a bus that leaves from Manhattan. It sound all good, clean fun - lots of outdoorsy type activities (gotta start my cycling training in earnest when i get back!) PLUS you can also have trapeze lessons! (which has been on my list for ages!). It looks fairly basic on the website but I figured a great way to get outdoors, get active and hopefully meet some new & fun people. Hopefully I don't get roomed with someone who snores heavily but, after 9 months of dating Sam, at least I know which earplugs to buy!
Final Day at EFNS
So, another congress done. Spent the morning at the hotel before going in to meet with Nigel at 2.30pm to talk about business intelligence needs for next year. He's such a sweetie, so it was nice to catch up and have some time to sit and chat. Then spent some time on the exhibits, chatting with the reps and the folk from Medex, before having a coffee with Jeff who was vaguely offering me a job, I think!
Left the congress centre around 4pm and Nicole and I did a bit of work in the bar before now sitting here, in my room, trying to catch up on my blog (and fulfil my promise to Conor!) before heading out for an early dinner at 8pm. I've had a great time here in Madrid but I'm ready to go home now - be good to see the boys again! Only got another 3 or so weeks, though, til I'm heading off to Athens and Cyprus - its frightening how quickly this year is going and that we're almost at the end of August!! Eek!!
So, another congress done. Spent the morning at the hotel before going in to meet with Nigel at 2.30pm to talk about business intelligence needs for next year. He's such a sweetie, so it was nice to catch up and have some time to sit and chat. Then spent some time on the exhibits, chatting with the reps and the folk from Medex, before having a coffee with Jeff who was vaguely offering me a job, I think!
Left the congress centre around 4pm and Nicole and I did a bit of work in the bar before now sitting here, in my room, trying to catch up on my blog (and fulfil my promise to Conor!) before heading out for an early dinner at 8pm. I've had a great time here in Madrid but I'm ready to go home now - be good to see the boys again! Only got another 3 or so weeks, though, til I'm heading off to Athens and Cyprus - its frightening how quickly this year is going and that we're almost at the end of August!! Eek!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Some people just know how to BRING IT!! (as my trainer would say!). After a hard day navigating Spanish guillotines and generally saving the day, Conor brought his "A" game to the tapas table for the evening. Nicole and I found this place called Estado Pura nearby the Neptune fountain so popped in for a quick drink and snack before she headed off to the faculty dinner. It was excellent, so I decided to be a lazy arse and suggest it to the others for our dinner venue, so Conor first came to join us, then an hour or so later, we were joined by Ros and Tania.
Much hilarity and gustatory one-upmanship ensued. Our choices got ever more adventurous (somewhat fueled by the copious amounts of rioja and beer!) until the "oh my God, I cant believe we just ordered that" pinnacle was achieved in the form of a plate of Pigs Trotters and Cuttlefish "noodles". Oh holy crap. Unbelievably oleaginous with a really quite disgusting texture, we all grossed ourselves out - Conor was originally bailing but agreed, under the influence of extremely heavy peer pressure, to try them - on condition of a starring headline in my blog! Anyway, the only way to go after the pig's trotters is downhill, so we figured we'd better stop there before anyone got any ideas and started suggesting we order the tripe dish! Here's the final tally:
Cantabrian anchovies with tomato and basil (2 units)
Matrimonio (two different anchovies)
Russian salad with "reganas" (toasted bread)
"Piperrada" (roasted vegetables) with tuna belly steak
"Chorizo"(Red Sausage) sandwich
Meat bombs (3 units)
Bravas potatoes
Cod fritter
Ham croquettes (1 unit)
Marinated lamb skewer
Asparagus in tempura with romescu sauce
"Presa Iberica" (Iberian pork steak) with chimichurri sauce
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sick in Madrid
Not wishing to sound all sorry for myself here, but there's nothing worse than being sick whilst you're away. Not only do you feel a bit crap (I've got this stupid hacking, dry cough that as irritating as hell and doesnt show any sign of letting up) but you also feel shite cos of all the other things you could be doing exploring whilst you're laid up!! So I did a bus tour of the major sights this morning (I did one in Singapore last year and it was a great way to see a lot quickly and orientate yourself to the city) but had no energy to get off and explore at any of the stops as I was so exhausted from not having slept properly in days. So, I just stayed on the bus for the circuit then came back to the hotel where I collapsed back into bed for a couple hours sleep. Which is where I am right now. I'd also planned to go to the gym today, but seeing as I can barely brush my hair without breaking into a coughing spasm, its probably not a wise idea. ITS SOO FRUSTRATING!! Am wondering if copious amounts of the local Rioja is the answer....
Not wishing to sound all sorry for myself here, but there's nothing worse than being sick whilst you're away. Not only do you feel a bit crap (I've got this stupid hacking, dry cough that as irritating as hell and doesnt show any sign of letting up) but you also feel shite cos of all the other things you could be doing exploring whilst you're laid up!! So I did a bus tour of the major sights this morning (I did one in Singapore last year and it was a great way to see a lot quickly and orientate yourself to the city) but had no energy to get off and explore at any of the stops as I was so exhausted from not having slept properly in days. So, I just stayed on the bus for the circuit then came back to the hotel where I collapsed back into bed for a couple hours sleep. Which is where I am right now. I'd also planned to go to the gym today, but seeing as I can barely brush my hair without breaking into a coughing spasm, its probably not a wise idea. ITS SOO FRUSTRATING!! Am wondering if copious amounts of the local Rioja is the answer....
Marilyn moments in Madrid
So finally arrived in Madrid yesterday, courtesy of British Airways via Gatwick. Journey was very smooth although still a little sombre as we landed into Madrid where the final death toll from the plane crash was 153.
Luggage took a while to arrive, so finally got to the hotel at 8pm - very nice! The ME hotel in Plaza Santa Ana - v. trendy, staffed by beautiful people and very reminiscent of a W hotel! Couldnt have more of a stark contrast to the Holiday Inn at Glasgow. Checked in, approved of my room (decked out in purple and white) and grabbed an early (by Spanish standards!) dinner at the nearby Ginger restaurant. And here's what I learnt about Madrid so far - BEWARE THE GRATINGS IN THE PAVEMENT!!! Especially if, like me, you were wearing a knee length floaty skirt and non-Bridget Jones style pants. What looks like a harmless grating is actually an evil wind tunnel from somewhere and exists to catch hapless, unsuspecting women like me off guard. One minute you're strolling along the pavement, just looking around at all the pretty buildings and shops, the next, your skirt is up by your ears and the local men are getting an eyeful. Which, I guess, would explain why they congregate in that exact spot, I suppose. Honestly, it was so mortifyingly embarrassing, I actually just completely burst out laughing as I realised the look on my face must have been utterly priceless - and the two blokes who were standing right there were also wetting themselves with laughter (which could also have been a shock response, I suppose!). Ah well - it made for a very interesting moment - one, however, I will try not to repeat!!
So finally arrived in Madrid yesterday, courtesy of British Airways via Gatwick. Journey was very smooth although still a little sombre as we landed into Madrid where the final death toll from the plane crash was 153.
Luggage took a while to arrive, so finally got to the hotel at 8pm - very nice! The ME hotel in Plaza Santa Ana - v. trendy, staffed by beautiful people and very reminiscent of a W hotel! Couldnt have more of a stark contrast to the Holiday Inn at Glasgow. Checked in, approved of my room (decked out in purple and white) and grabbed an early (by Spanish standards!) dinner at the nearby Ginger restaurant. And here's what I learnt about Madrid so far - BEWARE THE GRATINGS IN THE PAVEMENT!!! Especially if, like me, you were wearing a knee length floaty skirt and non-Bridget Jones style pants. What looks like a harmless grating is actually an evil wind tunnel from somewhere and exists to catch hapless, unsuspecting women like me off guard. One minute you're strolling along the pavement, just looking around at all the pretty buildings and shops, the next, your skirt is up by your ears and the local men are getting an eyeful. Which, I guess, would explain why they congregate in that exact spot, I suppose. Honestly, it was so mortifyingly embarrassing, I actually just completely burst out laughing as I realised the look on my face must have been utterly priceless - and the two blokes who were standing right there were also wetting themselves with laughter (which could also have been a shock response, I suppose!). Ah well - it made for a very interesting moment - one, however, I will try not to repeat!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Bloody sodding insomnia - again!
Aarrghh. Its 1.50am in Glasgow, I'm slowly farting myself to death in my shoe-box sized hotel room and I can't bloody sleep. This, despite the 400mg Neurontin (perhaps I should have taken the whole tablet instead of breaking it in two..). I'm actually actively starting to dislike Glasgow - I know, its very unfair of me, but someone has to take the fall, so I'm afraid "European City of Culture", its your rap. Its amazing also how much shite runs through your mind in the wee small hours when you're unsuccessfully trying to perform as simple a human function as falling asleep. Also was unsuccessful in my time zones conversion skill, as I thought it was 6am in Cyprus, so gave Mum a call for a pep-up chat. It was 3am. Oops. But felt much better after talking to her - but consequently am now even more awake. Am toying with the idea of chasing some elusive zzz's again or maybe I'll just throw in the towel, get up and do my packing. (why is it, when I travel, I'm a completely messy cow? lying here in bed, looking round at my room, its like a bomb exploded in my suitcase as there's stuff just everywhere!! Actually, the very thought of getting up and starting packing is exhausting. Maybe I'll ponder that a while longer - it may be the mental Ambien I need.....
Aarrghh. Its 1.50am in Glasgow, I'm slowly farting myself to death in my shoe-box sized hotel room and I can't bloody sleep. This, despite the 400mg Neurontin (perhaps I should have taken the whole tablet instead of breaking it in two..). I'm actually actively starting to dislike Glasgow - I know, its very unfair of me, but someone has to take the fall, so I'm afraid "European City of Culture", its your rap. Its amazing also how much shite runs through your mind in the wee small hours when you're unsuccessfully trying to perform as simple a human function as falling asleep. Also was unsuccessful in my time zones conversion skill, as I thought it was 6am in Cyprus, so gave Mum a call for a pep-up chat. It was 3am. Oops. But felt much better after talking to her - but consequently am now even more awake. Am toying with the idea of chasing some elusive zzz's again or maybe I'll just throw in the towel, get up and do my packing. (why is it, when I travel, I'm a completely messy cow? lying here in bed, looking round at my room, its like a bomb exploded in my suitcase as there's stuff just everywhere!! Actually, the very thought of getting up and starting packing is exhausting. Maybe I'll ponder that a while longer - it may be the mental Ambien I need.....
There but for the grace of God...
And I dont even believe in God but, given the news of the plane crash at Madrid airport (where I'm flying to tomorrow) with over 100 people killed, it puts your little existential agonisings into perspective. They, like me, would have thought they were just on another flight and certainly not that this take-off was going to represent the final few moments of their lives. We all intellectually assume immortality and spend our lives caught up in the minitiae that only becomes important when we assume our continued existence. I try and live as much in the present moment as I can to offset this but still find myself losing perspective and sweating the small stuff. At least one thing I do know is that, when that final moment happens for me, I know I've led an emotionally honest life so that my last thoughts wont be "If only I'd told them I loved them". At that point in time, probably one of my weaknesses (being too damned emotionally open!) will become my final, greatest strength.
And on that deep note, I'm off to the Ubiquitous Chip for some haggis, tatties and neeps!
And I dont even believe in God but, given the news of the plane crash at Madrid airport (where I'm flying to tomorrow) with over 100 people killed, it puts your little existential agonisings into perspective. They, like me, would have thought they were just on another flight and certainly not that this take-off was going to represent the final few moments of their lives. We all intellectually assume immortality and spend our lives caught up in the minitiae that only becomes important when we assume our continued existence. I try and live as much in the present moment as I can to offset this but still find myself losing perspective and sweating the small stuff. At least one thing I do know is that, when that final moment happens for me, I know I've led an emotionally honest life so that my last thoughts wont be "If only I'd told them I loved them". At that point in time, probably one of my weaknesses (being too damned emotionally open!) will become my final, greatest strength.
And on that deep note, I'm off to the Ubiquitous Chip for some haggis, tatties and neeps!
Where Do I Belong??!
So its curious. Been here in the UK for 5 days and can honestly say I feel no vestiges of sentimental attachment to old Blighty whatsoever. Usually, when I've come back, I've got a little thrill of "Oh, look! There's Sainsbury's!" or "Wow - a Marks and Spencer!" when walking down the high street, a combo of the buzz of recognition and familiarity with the stupidly mild surprise of them still managing to cling onto business, despite my absence for the last 4 and a half years. This time, nothing. Nada. Even my totemic trip to Marksies to stock up on undies and tights failed to ignite any sparks of homeward longing. It is a bit of a weird feeling - mildly depressing but in a glass half-full way, I guess its liberating too. Its playing into my current mental state of itchyfootedness - the sense that a big change is on its way. Whether its just job or maybe location, who knows, but I guess one of the benefits of being single is that you can do and go wherever the hell you like, so I'm figuring why not?
So its curious. Been here in the UK for 5 days and can honestly say I feel no vestiges of sentimental attachment to old Blighty whatsoever. Usually, when I've come back, I've got a little thrill of "Oh, look! There's Sainsbury's!" or "Wow - a Marks and Spencer!" when walking down the high street, a combo of the buzz of recognition and familiarity with the stupidly mild surprise of them still managing to cling onto business, despite my absence for the last 4 and a half years. This time, nothing. Nada. Even my totemic trip to Marksies to stock up on undies and tights failed to ignite any sparks of homeward longing. It is a bit of a weird feeling - mildly depressing but in a glass half-full way, I guess its liberating too. Its playing into my current mental state of itchyfootedness - the sense that a big change is on its way. Whether its just job or maybe location, who knows, but I guess one of the benefits of being single is that you can do and go wherever the hell you like, so I'm figuring why not?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Aromatic emissions
So just digesting an absolutely ENORMOUS curry here in Glasgow - went to Ashoka, one of the best curry places in town, and it reminded me of my student days in Cambridge when you would attempt to eat your own body weight in unidentified meaty chunks soaked in cumin-scented grease and think it was a job well-done. Especially when paired with some limp-wristed bilge that was supposed to pass for lager. I think I must have put on 6lbs in weight over the last 4 hours - ugh! Dont think Tosca Reno would be very impressed with the cleanness of my eating over the last couple days! Ah well - soon, I'll be in Madrid where it'll be so damned hot i wont want to do anything than sweat and drink water.
OK - time to open the windows in my hotel room before i inadvertently smother myself with a deficit of oxygen.
So just digesting an absolutely ENORMOUS curry here in Glasgow - went to Ashoka, one of the best curry places in town, and it reminded me of my student days in Cambridge when you would attempt to eat your own body weight in unidentified meaty chunks soaked in cumin-scented grease and think it was a job well-done. Especially when paired with some limp-wristed bilge that was supposed to pass for lager. I think I must have put on 6lbs in weight over the last 4 hours - ugh! Dont think Tosca Reno would be very impressed with the cleanness of my eating over the last couple days! Ah well - soon, I'll be in Madrid where it'll be so damned hot i wont want to do anything than sweat and drink water.
OK - time to open the windows in my hotel room before i inadvertently smother myself with a deficit of oxygen.
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Plane Decision
So I think I need to find myself an Irish boyfriend. On my first flight with Aer Lingus, from Washington to Dublin, I found myself being seduced by the silver-tongued accent of my 3'5" flight attendent who just sounded so soft and lilting, I wanted to take him home there and then and introduce him to my mother. That, plus the extremely heavy handed pour of the flight attendents as they re-filled my glass throughout the dinner service, I really think we may have found the start of something very special and meaningful....
So I think I need to find myself an Irish boyfriend. On my first flight with Aer Lingus, from Washington to Dublin, I found myself being seduced by the silver-tongued accent of my 3'5" flight attendent who just sounded so soft and lilting, I wanted to take him home there and then and introduce him to my mother. That, plus the extremely heavy handed pour of the flight attendents as they re-filled my glass throughout the dinner service, I really think we may have found the start of something very special and meaningful....
Journey from hell to arse end of nowhere!!
Wow - what a palaver that was!! Busy day in the office trying to finish up everything before my European jaunt, before running for my car at 4.30pm to catch the Delta Shuttle at 6.30pm to Washington. Alas in the car, the heavens opened and it started absolutely pissing it down with rain, black skies, thunder and streaks of lightening ripping across the sky. Oh joy. I began pondering whether a) I was ever going to make it out of LaGuardia this evening and b) whether a plane could actually survive a direct hit by lightening. Obviously all very cheery thoughts!!
Actually lucked out in the end (to a certain degree) because - as they cancelled my flight due to bad weather - we actually all got herded on to the delayed 4.30pm flight that was still sitting on the tarmac a full hour and a half after its supposed departure time! You could tell they were so happy to have been wheeled back to the departure gate when we all trooped on! So, despite the weather and a VERY bumpy flight, I only arrived 30mins late. So, so far, so good - my baggage arrived with me too (always a bonus!) so just a simple cab ride to the hotel. Hmm. This is where things got interesting as a simple cab ride turned into a bit of a nightmare as my enormous, sweaty driver had absolutely no bloody idea of where the hotel was! Obviously I didnt find this out until after I'd got in the cab - and, despite the cabbie calling the hotel for directions - we had an absolute nightmare trying to find the sodding Sheraton. It was all OK until we reached Powder Mill Road, which was where the hotel was supposed to be, but we drove up and down that road at least 4 times and couldnt spot it. The cabbie was getting more and more irate and frustrated and, after about 20mins of driving up and down, declared that "if we dont find it in the next couple of mins, I'm done"!! GREAT!! Minutes away from being dumped and abandoned at a gas station in the arse end of nowhere!! Fortunately, just as the cabbie was about to totally lose the plot, I spotted the hotel in the distance and that we needed to take a left where we'd previously gone straight across an intersection. Thank God for that. As a testament to my Britishness, instead of ripping the cabbie a new one for not knowing where the hotel was, I overly tipped him out of gratitude for not being abandoned by the side of the road, in the dark, with my suitcases. I checked in, dumped my bags and then headed straight for the bar for a restorative gin and tonic! Hope the rest of my trip is less eventful!!!
So, am now sitting on my tod in the Pfizer office, after a morning of preparations, as the rest of the team has just left for their meeting with the FDA. Got a couple of hours to kill before my car picks me up at 4pm, ready for my flight to Glasgow - trying to stay away from the cookies....
Wow - what a palaver that was!! Busy day in the office trying to finish up everything before my European jaunt, before running for my car at 4.30pm to catch the Delta Shuttle at 6.30pm to Washington. Alas in the car, the heavens opened and it started absolutely pissing it down with rain, black skies, thunder and streaks of lightening ripping across the sky. Oh joy. I began pondering whether a) I was ever going to make it out of LaGuardia this evening and b) whether a plane could actually survive a direct hit by lightening. Obviously all very cheery thoughts!!
Actually lucked out in the end (to a certain degree) because - as they cancelled my flight due to bad weather - we actually all got herded on to the delayed 4.30pm flight that was still sitting on the tarmac a full hour and a half after its supposed departure time! You could tell they were so happy to have been wheeled back to the departure gate when we all trooped on! So, despite the weather and a VERY bumpy flight, I only arrived 30mins late. So, so far, so good - my baggage arrived with me too (always a bonus!) so just a simple cab ride to the hotel. Hmm. This is where things got interesting as a simple cab ride turned into a bit of a nightmare as my enormous, sweaty driver had absolutely no bloody idea of where the hotel was! Obviously I didnt find this out until after I'd got in the cab - and, despite the cabbie calling the hotel for directions - we had an absolute nightmare trying to find the sodding Sheraton. It was all OK until we reached Powder Mill Road, which was where the hotel was supposed to be, but we drove up and down that road at least 4 times and couldnt spot it. The cabbie was getting more and more irate and frustrated and, after about 20mins of driving up and down, declared that "if we dont find it in the next couple of mins, I'm done"!! GREAT!! Minutes away from being dumped and abandoned at a gas station in the arse end of nowhere!! Fortunately, just as the cabbie was about to totally lose the plot, I spotted the hotel in the distance and that we needed to take a left where we'd previously gone straight across an intersection. Thank God for that. As a testament to my Britishness, instead of ripping the cabbie a new one for not knowing where the hotel was, I overly tipped him out of gratitude for not being abandoned by the side of the road, in the dark, with my suitcases. I checked in, dumped my bags and then headed straight for the bar for a restorative gin and tonic! Hope the rest of my trip is less eventful!!!
So, am now sitting on my tod in the Pfizer office, after a morning of preparations, as the rest of the team has just left for their meeting with the FDA. Got a couple of hours to kill before my car picks me up at 4pm, ready for my flight to Glasgow - trying to stay away from the cookies....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yey!! Off on my travels again!
Well, after a couple of weeks feeling sorry for myself, its now time to pick myself up and look forward - and what better way than a 2 week tour of Europe, courtesy of Charlie P! (that's Charles Pfizer, founder of my wonderful company, in case you didn't know!). Actually, it is work, not a vacation - am off first to Washington today for a meeting with the FDA, then I fly tomorrow night to Glasgow (via Dublin) to meet with a group of surgeons and anaesthieologists to discuss post-operative pain protocols. Am in Glasgow for 5 nights at the World Congress of Pain before then heading off to Madrid for another congress (EFNS, this time!) and another 6 nights! I'm really looking forward to Madrid, as I've not been there before - another city to add to my Facebook map!! My medical colleague is Spanish and from that area, so I'm hoping she'll take me to some great local hang-outs and restaurants! OK - gotta finish packing and get to work!!
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